Maximo List Archive

This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

Re: [MAXIMO List] WSDL Maximo (webServices)?

From: Fazal M Feroze (2011-06-22 07:43)

Any suggestion ?
- Fazal
From: Fazal M Feroze <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 9:41 AM
Subject: [MAXIMO List] WSDL Maximo (webServices)
Any suggestion how to query Maximo WSDL connection using  Java or perl
Basically I am looking for creating /querying  SR using WSDL  services.
Fyi      I already created the webservice MXSR  in maximo
Thanks in advance

From: Madhu Medury (2011-06-28 23:01)

Which version of Maximo is this ?
Just any basic web service consumer code can call this webservice and pass
in the service parameter to query Maximo.
If you need any exit configuration customization the derivative should be
extended off psdi.iface.router.WSExit interface extensions that implement -
getServiceName(). Basically all this is exchange is a qualified w3c dom
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Fazal M Feroze <> wrote:
> **
> Any suggestion ?
> - Fazal
> ________________________________
> From: Fazal M Feroze <>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 9:41 AM
> Subject: [MAXIMO List] WSDL Maximo (webServices)
> Any suggestion how to query Maximo WSDL connection using Java or perl
> Basically I am looking for creating /querying SR using WSDL services.
> Fyi I already created the webservice MXSR in maximo
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Fazal
*Thanks & Regards
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From: Fazal M Feroze (2011-06-29 01:35)

Thanks Madhu
Its Maximo version 7.2 , actually I am trying to  invoke maxmio WSDL  SR methods (i.e MXSR)  from PERL SOAP call, but i couldn't find the right example.
- Fazal
From: Madhu Medury <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [MAXIMO List] WSDL Maximo (webServices)?
Which version of Maximo is this ?
Just any basic web service consumer code can call this webservice and pass
in the service parameter to query Maximo.
If you need any exit configuration customization the derivative should be
extended off psdi.iface.router.WSExit interface extensions that implement -
getServiceName(). Basically all this is exchange is a qualified w3c dom
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Fazal M Feroze <> wrote:
> **
> Any suggestion ?
> - Fazal
> ________________________________
> From: Fazal M Feroze <>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 9:41 AM
> Subject: [MAXIMO List] WSDL Maximo (webServices)
> Any suggestion how to query Maximo WSDL connection using  Java or perl
> Basically I am looking for creating /querying  SR using WSDL  services.
> Fyi      I already created the webservice MXSR  in maximo
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Fazal
*Thanks & Regards
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From: Fazal M Feroze (2011-07-09 12:19)

I am looking for simple perl program to communicate to  Maximo server (V7x) and query the ServiceRequest  thru WSDL.  Somehow i able to connect the Maximo server,  but  couldn't invoke any MXSR methods..   Please find my code below...  not sure what  I am doing wrong ,  any little help is appreciable
Fyi- the XML code is working perfectly in SoapUI and  Eclipse
-- List of available method(s): UpdateMXSR CreateMXSR DeleteMXSR QueryMXSR SyncMXSR
-------------  Perl Code------------
use strict;
use SOAP::Lite;
my $g_hostname =  'http://tsrmmaxdb71.fazal.local/meaweb/wsdl/MXSR.wsdl';
my $UserName = 'maxadmin';
my $Password = 'maxadmin';
sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials {
  return $UserName => $Password;
my $service = SOAP::Lite->service($g_hostname);
my $XML = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:max="">
      <max:QueryMXSR creationDateTime="" baseLanguage="" transLanguage="" messageID="" maximoVersion="" uniqueResult="0" maxItems="0" rsStart="0">
         <max:MXSRQuery orderby="" operandMode="AND">
               <!--0 to 2 repetitions:-->
               <max:TICKETID operator="=">"1001"</max:TICKETID>
               <max:CLASS> SR </max:CLASS>
$service ->outputxml('true');
my $result = $service->QueryMXSR($XML);
print $result
--------------------   END ----------------

From: Fazal M Feroze (2011-07-11 11:58)

I am looking for simple perl program to communicate to  Maximo server (V7x) and query the ServiceRequest  thru WSDL.  Somehow i able to connect the Maximo server,  but  couldn't invoke any MXSR methods..   Please find my code below...  not sure what  I am doing wrong ,  any little help is appreciable
Fyi- the XML code is working perfectly in SoapUI and  Eclipse
-- List of available method(s): UpdateMXSR CreateMXSR DeleteMXSR QueryMXSR SyncMXSR
-------------  Perl Code------------
use strict;
use SOAP::Lite;
my $g_hostname =  'http://tsrmmaxdb71.fazal.local/meaweb/wsdl/MXSR.wsdl';
my $UserName = 'maxadmin';
my $Password = 'maxadmin';
sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials {
  return $UserName => $Password;
my $service = SOAP::Lite->service($g_hostname);
my $XML = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:max="">
      <max:QueryMXSR creationDateTime="" baseLanguage="" transLanguage="" messageID="" maximoVersion="" uniqueResult="0" maxItems="0" rsStart="0">
         <max:MXSRQuery orderby="" operandMode="AND">
               <!--0 to 2 repetitions:-->
               <max:TICKETID operator="=">"1001"</max:TICKETID>
               <max:CLASS> SR </max:CLASS>
$service ->outputxml('true');
my $result = $service->QueryMXSR($XML);
print $result
--------------------   END ----------------

From: Juniko (2011-07-12 05:13)

Hi All,

Any one know the function of Recent Lead Time Weight in % on Storeroom application?
I read the help but still not understand. Please help....


Warm Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Fazal M Feroze <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 11:58:49
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Maximo Perl help - urgent


I am looking for simple perl program to communicate to  Maximo server (V7x) and query the ServiceRequest  thru WSDL.  Somehow i able to connect the Maximo server,  but  couldn't invoke any MXSR methods..   Please find my code below...  not sure what  I am doing wrong ,  any little help is appreciable

Fyi- the XML code is working perfectly in SoapUI and  Eclipse
-- List of available method(s): UpdateMXSR CreateMXSR DeleteMXSR QueryMXSR SyncMXSR

-------------  Perl Code------------
use strict;
use SOAP::Lite;

my $g_hostname =  'http://tsrmmaxdb71.fazal.local/meaweb/wsdl/MXSR.wsdl';
my $UserName = 'maxadmin';
my $Password = 'maxadmin';

sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials {
  return $UserName => $Password;
my $service = SOAP::Lite->service($g_hostname);
my $XML = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:max="">
      <max:QueryMXSR creationDateTime="" baseLanguage="" transLanguage="" messageID="" maximoVersion="" uniqueResult="0" maxItems="0" rsStart="0">
         <max:MXSRQuery orderby="" operandMode="AND">
               <!--0 to 2 repetitions:-->
               <max:TICKETID operator="=">"1001"</max:TICKETID>
               <max:CLASS> SR </max:CLASS>

$service ->outputxml('true');
my $result = $service->QueryMXSR($XML);
print $result
--------------------   END ----------------