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Looking for tips, documents or utilities to help me take a 1998 version of MP2 ( Oracle ) and covert the data to Maximo ( Oracle ).
I am not finding many documents or even a data dictionary published to give me a leg up. I would even be interested in looking at a third party doing the work to reduce my time to go live.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Lonnie Stone
The Maximo 7.x erd can be located here à<>
need an ibm id, then you can download it.
When I’ve done this in the past I’ve found it easiest to 1) map the data 2)
extract the data using sql statements into a loadable format, 3) load the
data into Maximo through the MIF. Of course, nothing is ever simple and
data cleansing and archiving come into play too.
Another option would be to use an ETL tool. Talend (
has came in very useful or me in the past as it allows you to create a
direct connection between databases. Then all you need is linkage rules to
pull the data over. There are also other ETL tools out there, I prefer
Hope this helps.
Luke Gatza
*From:* [] *On Behalf
Of *Lonnie Stone
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 16, 2013 3:36 PM
*To:* Maximo YahooGroup
*Subject:* [MAXIMO List] MP2 to Maximo Conversion
Looking for tips, documents or utilities to help me take a 1998 version of
MP2 ( Oracle ) and covert the data to Maximo ( Oracle ).
I am not finding many documents or even a data dictionary published to give
me a leg up. I would even be interested in looking at a third party doing
the work to reduce my time to go live.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Lonnie Stone
We converted an MS Access MP2 application from the 90's to Maximo 6.2 (SQL Server) in 2007. At the time we had no in-house experience with either one, so we hired TRM (San Diego office) to do the conversion for us. There was a lot of work mapping fields and building SQL conversion scripts. We imported equipment and inventory, but not historical work. At that time MP2 allowed 1 work order for a group of equipment, and Maximo 6 was 1 work order per asset. Attempting to break up the work over many assets was not worth the cost to migrate historical work.
---In, <lgatza@...> wrote:
The Maximo 7.x erd can be located here à You need an ibm id, then you can download it.
When I’ve done this in the past I’ve found it easiest to 1) map the data 2) extract the data using sql statements into a loadable format, 3) load the data into Maximo through the MIF. Of course, nothing is ever simple and data cleansing and archiving come into play too.
Another option would be to use an ETL tool. Talend ( has came in very useful or me in the past as it allows you to create a direct connection between databases. Then all you need is linkage rules to pull the data over. There are also other ETL tools out there, I prefer Talend.
Hope this helps.
Luke Gatza
lgatza@... mailto:lgatza@...
From: [] On Behalf Of Lonnie Stone
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 3:36 PM
To: Maximo YahooGroup
Subject: [MAXIMO List] MP2 to Maximo Conversion
Looking for tips, documents or utilities to help me take a 1998 version of MP2 ( Oracle ) and covert the data to Maximo ( Oracle ).
I am not finding many documents or even a data dictionary published to give me a leg up. I would even be interested in looking at a third party doing the work to reduce my time to go live.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Lonnie Stone
lonnie_s_stone@... mailto:lonnie_s_stone@...