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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
I have put the following in a tab in the MOC application
To display the work flow diagram without going to the dialog however the "wfmap" is a bit small. Anyone know how to change the size just thought I'd ask to see if anyone has already found out how to do this
Ps I've tried adding -- > width="1000" height="600" <-- params to the wfmap but it didn't work
Rgds Ian
<tab id="VIEWWF" beanclass="psdi.webclient.beans.common.WorkflowMapBean" label="View Workflow" parentdatasrc="MAINRECORD" relationship="WORKFLOWMAP">
<section border="true" id="viewwf_sect"><sectionrow id="viewwf_sect_r1"><sectioncol id="viewwf_sect_r1c1"><section id="viewwf_sect_r1c1_1"><combobox dataattribute="PROCESSNAME" id="viewwf_sect_r1c1_1_1" smartfilloff="true"/></section></sectioncol><sectioncol id="viewwf_sect_r1c2"><section id="viewwf_sect_r1c2_1"><textbox dataattribute="STARTTIME" id="viewwf_sect_r1c2_1_1" inputmode="readonly"/></section></sectioncol></sectionrow></section><section id="viewwf_sect_2"><wfmap id="viewwf_sect_2_1_1"/></section>
GDF SUEZ E&P UK Ltd (Company Number 3386464), registered in England and Wales with a registered office address at: 40 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1N 2PB.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
Ok I have looked in here IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\properties\control-registry.xml
and yes the control is there and seem to have width and height parameters but don't know why they don't work ?
Rgds Ian
From: [] On Behalf Of Ian Wright
Sent: 02 May 2013 16:09
Subject: [MAXIMO List] work flow map
I have put the following in a tab in the MOC application
To display the work flow diagram without going to the dialog however the "wfmap" is a bit small. Anyone know how to change the size just thought I'd ask to see if anyone has already found out how to do this
Ps I've tried adding -- > width="1000" height="600" <-- params to the wfmap but it didn't work
Rgds Ian
<tab id="VIEWWF" beanclass="psdi.webclient.beans.common.WorkflowMapBean" label="View Workflow" parentdatasrc="MAINRECORD" relationship="WORKFLOWMAP">
<section border="true" id="viewwf_sect"><sectionrow id="viewwf_sect_r1"><sectioncol id="viewwf_sect_r1c1"><section id="viewwf_sect_r1c1_1"><combobox dataattribute="PROCESSNAME" id="viewwf_sect_r1c1_1_1" smartfilloff="true"/></section></sectioncol><sectioncol id="viewwf_sect_r1c2"><section id="viewwf_sect_r1c2_1"><textbox dataattribute="STARTTIME" id="viewwf_sect_r1c2_1_1" inputmode="readonly"/></section></sectioncol></sectionrow></section><section id="viewwf_sect_2"><wfmap id="viewwf_sect_2_1_1"/></section>
GDF SUEZ E&P UK Ltd (Company Number 3386464), registered in England and Wales with a registered office address at: 40 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1N 2PB.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.