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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
Unfortunately managers read a book on Maintenance Management and then ask for metrics without fully understanding what goes into them. There are a huge number of variables involved in obtaining the true numbers that you are being asked for. That said here are some things that might help.
1. Assuming you want to get available man hours out of Maximo instead of using a number provided by supervision you will need to use a couple of tables. The first is the workperiod table and the second is the modavail table. A person's available hours is stored in the workperiod table for any day that you have not modified their availability in the calendar. For any day that you have modified their availability in the calendar because of vacation, sickness, etc. Their availability is stored in the modavail table. So you will need to use a query with a decode statement similar to this to get their available hours:
select lab.laborcode, sum(decode(modavail.modavailworkhours,null,wp.workhours,modavail.modavailworkhours)) As TOTAL_CALHRS
from maxpreview.labor lab,maxpreview.personcal person,maxpreview.workperiod wp, (select MODAVAIL.PERSONID, modavail.workhours MODAVAILWORKHOURS, modavail.workdate MODWORKDATE, modavail.starttime MODSTARTTIME
,modavail.endtime MODENDTIME
from maxpreview.modavail
Between :startDate And :endDate) MODAVAIL
where lab.personid = person.personid
and lab.orgid = person.orgid
and person.calnum=wp.calnum
and person.shiftnum=wp.shiftnum
and person.orgid=wp.orgid
and person.personid = modavail.personid(+)
and wp.workdate
Between :startDate And :endDate
and lab.worksite =:siteid
Group By by Laborcode
2. For Planned divided by Total you can get the Planned hours from the workorder table. Planned is estlabhrs. You are getting Total from above.
3. For Actual vs Planned you can get the Actual form the workorder table as actlabhrs and you are getting the Planned in line 2 above.
We have Actuate eSpreadsheet reports that help us get all of this information.
Dave Teece
"Unfortunately managers read a book on Maintenance Management and then ask for
metrics without fully understanding what goes into them."
They want a garden full of vegetables but do not want to do any gardening. In
other words they don't want to add planned labor to job plans or put in
It's like they keep you in the dark and feed you BS and are surprised they get
mushrooms instead of cabbages.
Oh well.
--- In, david_teece@... wrote:
> George,
> Unfortunately managers read a book on Maintenance Management and then ask for metrics without fully understanding what goes into them. There are a huge number of variables involved in obtaining the true numbers that you are being asked for. That said here are some things that might help.
> 1. Assuming you want to get available man hours out of Maximo instead of using a number provided by supervision you will need to use a couple of tables. The first is the workperiod table and the second is the modavail table. A person's available hours is stored in the workperiod table for any day that you have not modified their availability in the calendar. For any day that you have modified their availability in the calendar because of vacation, sickness, etc. Their availability is stored in the modavail table. So you will need to use a query with a decode statement similar to this to get their available hours:
> select lab.laborcode, sum(decode(modavail.modavailworkhours,null,wp.workhours,modavail.modavailworkhours)) As TOTAL_CALHRS
> from maxpreview.labor lab,maxpreview.personcal person,maxpreview.workperiod wp, (select MODAVAIL.PERSONID, modavail.workhours MODAVAILWORKHOURS, modavail.workdate MODWORKDATE, modavail.starttime MODSTARTTIME
> ,modavail.endtime MODENDTIME
> from maxpreview.modavail
> where
> Between :startDate And :endDate) MODAVAIL
> where lab.personid = person.personid
> and lab.orgid = person.orgid
> and person.calnum=wp.calnum
> and person.shiftnum=wp.shiftnum
> and person.orgid=wp.orgid
> and person.personid = modavail.personid(+)
> and wp.workdate
> Between :startDate And :endDate
> and lab.worksite =:siteid
> Group By by Laborcode
> 2. For Planned divided by Total you can get the Planned hours from the workorder table. Planned is estlabhrs. You are getting Total from above.
> 3. For Actual vs Planned you can get the Actual form the workorder table as actlabhrs and you are getting the Planned in line 2 above.
> We have Actuate eSpreadsheet reports that help us get all of this information.
> Dave Teece