This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
First keep clear from where these work orders are getting generating.It
will be from job plan only which you have added in PM.These are all the
tasks to performed by end users. If you are removing the task based work
orders regularly,then how the end users know which are all the tasks to be
performed while carrying out PM.
So dont enter the tasks in Jobplan.Scan the Jobplan procedure and attach
in the Jobplan.Dont create any tasks by adding NewRow.
Now generate PM.Only one workorder generated with attachment.Give the print
out of the attachment along with work order.The enduser will do the PM as
per attachment in the JobPlan.
After completion of PM ,he will sign the attachment with remarks. Scan and
Attach the document for history .Do it in testserver and see the results.
With Best Regards