This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
Has anyone ran into an issue where upgrading java higher than version 6 update 21 causes issues with Maximo 5.2? We are currently in the process of Upgrading to Maximo 7.5, but would like a quick fix for this if anyone has any experience..
We ran into some issues when we upgraded the JRE to Version: 1.6.0_22. There were some paging errors. We had to downgrade that to 1.6.0_20 which resolved the problems and until we upgraded Maximo to, we kept our clients' machines on 1.6.0_20.
We also had different kinds of problems with a specific build during JRE upgrade to 1.5.0_xxx build (don't remember the build number) and in that case, too, we had to revert back to older version of JRE.
Hope this helps.
--- In, "shannon" <shannonsuttondale@...> wrote:
> Has anyone ran into an issue where upgrading java higher than version 6 update 21 causes issues with Maximo 5.2? We are currently in the process of Upgrading to Maximo 7.5, but would like a quick fix for this if anyone has any experience..