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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
As an administrator of Maximo, you may want to periodically check open backlog of work orders, and look for work which started but never finished, e.g. was given a complete status. It is quite common for this situation to happen, and these work orders just sit out there in no man's land. In the SQL below [for Oracle database] we are going back 180 days when the LAST labor actual was entered.
Note: you need to identify all the statuses and synonyms that relate to work complete and then say NOT IN (that set).
select refwo, max(startdate) from labtrans
where startdate < sysdate-180
and refwo in (select wonum from workorder where actlabhrs > 0 and
status not in ('CAN', 'CLOSE', 'COMP', 'WKCOMP', 'COMPREVIEW')) group by refwo ;
John Reeve
Manager, Practice Leader Maintenance and Reliability Solutions
Cell: 423 314 1312
We don't allow users to close any work orders. They can change the to comp or compclose. Compclose just means the maintenance planner has reviewed the work and not all sites use it.
By leaving them in complete status we can add any labor missed, PO receipts not made or done improperly. Especially around services.
After the work order has been in complete status for 180 days a system escalation changes it to close.
wonum in
(Select distinct wonum
from workorder
where historyflag = 0
and (status = 'COMP' or status = 'COMPCLOSE')
and (woclass = 'WORKORDER' or woclass = 'ACTIVITY') )
Dave Bone
--- In, "John" <planschd@...> wrote:
> As an administrator of Maximo, you may want to periodically check open backlog of work orders, and look for work which started but never finished, e.g. was given a complete status. It is quite common for this situation to happen, and these work orders just sit out there in no man's land. In the SQL below [for Oracle database] we are going back 180 days when the LAST labor actual was entered.
> Note: you need to identify all the statuses and synonyms that relate to work complete and then say NOT IN (that set).
> select refwo, max(startdate) from labtrans
> where startdate < sysdate-180
> and refwo in (select wonum from workorder where actlabhrs > 0 and
> status not in ('CAN', 'CLOSE', 'COMP', 'WKCOMP', 'COMPREVIEW')) group by refwo ;
> w/br
> John Reeve
> Manager, Practice Leader Maintenance and Reliability Solutions
> Cell: 423 314 1312
I may have worded this better.
These are work orders in "open status" such as APPR.
They had labor actuals.
But the last actual was 6 months ago.
Sent on the Sprint� Now Network from my BlackBerry�
-----Original Message-----
From: "in2data" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 16:35:26
To: <>
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Re: Tip of the Day #205
We don't allow users to close any work orders. They can change the to comp or compclose. Compclose just means the maintenance planner has reviewed the work and not all sites use it.
By leaving them in complete status we can add any labor missed, PO receipts not made or done improperly. Especially around services.
After the work order has been in complete status for 180 days a system escalation changes it to close.
wonum in
(Select distinct wonum
from workorder
where historyflag = 0
and (status = 'COMP' or status = 'COMPCLOSE')
and (woclass = 'WORKORDER' or woclass = 'ACTIVITY') )
Dave Bone
--- In, "John" <planschd@...> wrote:
> As an administrator of Maximo, you may want to periodically check open backlog of work orders, and look for work which started but never finished, e.g. was given a complete status. It is quite common for this situation to happen, and these work orders just sit out there in no man's land. In the SQL below [for Oracle database] we are going back 180 days when the LAST labor actual was entered.
> Note: you need to identify all the statuses and synonyms that relate to work complete and then say NOT IN (that set).
> select refwo, max(startdate) from labtrans
> where startdate < sysdate-180
> and refwo in (select wonum from workorder where actlabhrs > 0 and
> status not in ('CAN', 'CLOSE', 'COMP', 'WKCOMP', 'COMPREVIEW')) group by refwo ;
> w/br
> John Reeve
> Manager, Practice Leader Maintenance and Reliability Solutions
> Cell: 423 314 1312
I agree - that's the way I do it with most of my clients as well. It
simplifies things a lot, since you don't have prematurely closed work orders
that prevent the invoices from being processed.
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: October-27-11 9:35 AM
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Re: Tip of the Day #205
We don't allow users to close any work orders. They can change the to comp
or compclose. Compclose just means the maintenance planner has reviewed the
work and not all sites use it.
By leaving them in complete status we can add any labor missed, PO receipts
not made or done improperly. Especially around services.
After the work order has been in complete status for 180 days a system
escalation changes it to close.
wonum in
(Select distinct wonum
from workorder
where historyflag = 0
and (status = 'COMP' or status = 'COMPCLOSE')
and (woclass = 'WORKORDER' or woclass = 'ACTIVITY') )
Dave Bone
--- In <> , "John"
<planschd@...> wrote:
> As an administrator of Maximo, you may want to periodically check open
backlog of work orders, and look for work which started but never finished,
e.g. was given a complete status. It is quite common for this situation to
happen, and these work orders just sit out there in no man's land. In the
SQL below [for Oracle database] we are going back 180 days when the LAST
labor actual was entered.
> Note: you need to identify all the statuses and synonyms that relate to
work complete and then say NOT IN (that set).
> select refwo, max(startdate) from labtrans
> where startdate < sysdate-180
> and refwo in (select wonum from workorder where actlabhrs > 0 and
> status not in ('CAN', 'CLOSE', 'COMP', 'WKCOMP', 'COMPREVIEW')) group by
refwo ;
> w/br
> John Reeve
> Manager, Practice Leader Maintenance and Reliability Solutions
> Cell: 423 314 1312