This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
Dear all,
I have developed a new custapp (let say: SIMULATION) and still cannot link (go to application) to self (SIMULATION also).
Scenario is:
>> I want to link SIMULATION.PARENTREQNUM to SIMULATION.REQNUM. Java validation is working fine (without go to icon from app designer). Unfortunately, it says an error while adding ">>" icon
It says:
BMXAA4107E - Because of an implementation or customization problem, the system cannot determine how the attributes of object SIMULATION correspond to the attributes SIMULATIONID of object SIMULATION. You might need to populate the MAXLOOKUPMAP table and restart the server.
I just curious, what is the meaning with a MENUTYPE or LOOKUP & how to create a new one?
Many thanks for your suggestion.
Max75, Sql2k8 r2, Was