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Hi all,
I have a select statement which returns the child workorder. The rows[0]["fieldname"] will display the first value of the dataset (info of the parent WO), but I need to display the information of the second row as well(e.g. assetnum, location,taskID of a child WO). Does anyone know how to get second row from dataSetRow["value"]?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hi Janice,
What's your select statement looks like? My guess is removing the "Parent" criteria in the select statement would give you both parent and children workorders; add the "order by Parent" would put the parent work order at the top.
If you want to include the tasks also, then check for IsTask in the criteria; remove this would include all the tasks. "Order by WONum" would most likely place the parent work order at the top, its tasks, then its children and their task--you might have to do some test with add/delete children/tasks work order to get the right order.
--- In, "janice c" <carrillo_janice@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a select statement which returns the child workorder. The rows[0]["fieldname"] will display the first value of the dataset (info of the parent WO), but I need to display the information of the second row as well(e.g. assetnum, location,taskID of a child WO). Does anyone know how to get second row from dataSetRow["value"]?
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Janice
Hi Paul,
I have several data sets. One data set to pull out the child WO of a PM. Then I have another data set that will pull out the tasks of the parent WO that goes like this :
sqlText = "select workorder.taskid, workorder.description, workorder.status, woactivity.pointnum, "
+ "workorder.measurementvalue, workorder.measuredate, workorder.observation "
+ "from workorder left outer join "
+ "woactivity on workorder.wonum = woactivity.wonum and workorder.siteid = woactivity.siteid "
+ "where workorder.parent = '" + rows[0]["wonum"] + "' and workorder.istask = 1 and workorder.siteid = '"
+ rows[0]["siteid"] + "'"
+ " order by workorder.taskid"
However, I also need to display the task ID of the child WO. Thanks again.
--- In, "phoang001" <sunray256@...> wrote:
> Hi Janice,
> What's your select statement looks like? My guess is removing the "Parent" criteria in the select statement would give you both parent and children workorders; add the "order by Parent" would put the parent work order at the top.
> If you want to include the tasks also, then check for IsTask in the criteria; remove this would include all the tasks. "Order by WONum" would most likely place the parent work order at the top, its tasks, then its children and their task--you might have to do some test with add/delete children/tasks work order to get the right order.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> --- In, "janice c" <carrillo_janice@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a select statement which returns the child workorder. The rows[0]["fieldname"] will display the first value of the dataset (info of the parent WO), but I need to display the information of the second row as well(e.g. assetnum, location,taskID of a child WO). Does anyone know how to get second row from dataSetRow["value"]?
> > Thank you.
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Janice
> >