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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
Dear BIRT Experts,
Does anybody know how to display PL/SQL variable in BIRT?
Let me give an example;
on PL/SQL;
select @myvar as myvar, maximo_column from maximo_table
where condition
Currently, I set this setting in BIRT.
OPEN Method:
SqlText = "select @myvar as myvar, maximo_column from maximo_table
where condition"
FETCH method:
row["myvar"] = maximoDataSet.getString("myvar");
Data Sets - Output Column.
Unfortunately This value cannot be displayed when I add [myvar] datafield on the report layout.
Please help. Thank you
Thank you
case closed.
Thank you.
--- In, "Tommy H Sumarsono" <hediaka@...> wrote:
> Dear BIRT Experts,
> Does anybody know how to display PL/SQL variable in BIRT?
> Let me give an example;
> on PL/SQL;
> select @myvar as myvar, maximo_column from maximo_table
> where condition
> Currently, I set this setting in BIRT.
> OPEN Method:
> SqlText = "select @myvar as myvar, maximo_column from maximo_table
> where condition"
> FETCH method:
> row["myvar"] = maximoDataSet.getString("myvar");
> Data Sets - Output Column.
> myvar
> Unfortunately This value cannot be displayed when I add [myvar] datafield on the report layout.
> Please help. Thank you
> Thank you