This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
If the working level staff believes the purpose of the EAM system is to solely track their actions, record actual manhours and measure their overall craft performance, then it is very likely the craft will never understand the primary purpose which is asset reliability and productivity. There can be a tipping point however at which a negative perception is linked to the EAM software, and once in place, very difficult to change.
It is easy for an EAM system to go "off the tracks" at the beginning or anywhere in between. For those new sites, the caution is to be aware of this tendency and use the system wisely. Someone might see a new metric on worker performance, or they learn how to write KPIs, or read a blog on craft utilization metrics, and suddenly, the management conversation becomes can we tighten up the EAM system to evaluate workers. The crafts may then become suspicious of the EAM system. And once a perception is in place it will be difficult to change. At this point the entire work order process may suffer, and then, the goal of creating a true knowledge base is lost.
John Reeve
Manager, Practice Leader Maintenance and Reliability Solutions
Cell: 423 314 1312