Maximo List Archive

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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

Asking for recommendations - WO status for PM generated work orders

From: wprejean (2013-06-19 20:24)

I am getting an internal request to start generating all work orders from PMs with a work order status of APPR (Approved) instead of WSCH (Waiting to be Scheduled), which is what we have historically used. I wanted to ask for comments from other Maximo users / experts on this request, and any pitfalls or benefits you may see.
I realize and mentioned to our internal team that WSCH is assumed to be approved and that APPR should be used for corrective maintenance - and it helps differentiate between recurring and corrective maintenance work orders.
Any other comments or assistance / recommendations will be appreciated.

From: john rice (2013-06-19 15:27)

Do you schedule your PMs?


On Jun 19, 2013, at 3:24 PM, "wprejean" <> wrote:

> I am getting an internal request to start generating all work orders from PMs with a work order status of APPR (Approved) instead of WSCH (Waiting to be Scheduled), which is what we have historically used. I wanted to ask for comments from other Maximo users / experts on this request, and any pitfalls or benefits you may see.
> I realize and mentioned to our internal team that WSCH is assumed to be approved and that APPR should be used for corrective maintenance - and it helps differentiate between recurring and corrective maintenance work orders.
> Any other comments or assistance / recommendations will be appreciated.

From: Lampert, Lance R. (2013-06-19 21:02)

It depends on how you use your Status's and how you look for job progress. For us, we use status's a poor man's workflow between groups and also to know what the status is of a job, though this use is used more in the non PM realm for us. For PM's, is it important to know at a glance what the status is of specific PM jobs? Does your organization require somebody to Approve a PM before it can be done? Are your status's utilized in scheduling the PM work? I think it depends on how tightly your flow of work orders is handled. Answering these kinds of questions, will help you to know how big an impact the change may bring.
From: [] On Behalf Of wprejean
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:25 PM
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Asking for recommendations - WO status for PM generated work orders
I am getting an internal request to start generating all work orders from PMs with a work order status of APPR (Approved) instead of WSCH (Waiting to be Scheduled), which is what we have historically used. I wanted to ask for comments from other Maximo users / experts on this request, and any pitfalls or benefits you may see.
I realize and mentioned to our internal team that WSCH is assumed to be approved and that APPR should be used for corrective maintenance - and it helps differentiate between recurring and corrective maintenance work orders.
Any other comments or assistance / recommendations will be appreciated.

From: Jason Verly (2013-06-28 13:56)

I wouldn't recommend it. I have an open PMR with Maximo 7.1.x for a site that wanted to do that. The issue is if the PM is set to generate at APPR status and has planned materials on the job plan associated with the PM. When the materials are not available, the generated WO will go straight to WMATL status. However, the WO status history is blank. There isn't even a record of the original WO getting generated.
This ended up causing problems with tracking and alerting PM WO's that were overdue based on previous statuses being empty.
--- In, "wprejean" <Wayde.Prejean@...> wrote:
> I am getting an internal request to start generating all work orders from PMs with a work order status of APPR (Approved) instead of WSCH (Waiting to be Scheduled), which is what we have historically used. I wanted to ask for comments from other Maximo users / experts on this request, and any pitfalls or benefits you may see.
> I realize and mentioned to our internal team that WSCH is assumed to be approved and that APPR should be used for corrective maintenance - and it helps differentiate between recurring and corrective maintenance work orders.
> Any other comments or assistance / recommendations will be appreciated.

From: Will Hampton (2013-06-28 14:09)

Waiting for Scheduling is equivalent to APPR - the implication is that PM Work Orders are by definition "Approved" and are really only Waiting to be Scheduled. This among other factors makes it easier to keep your PM's and Corrective work properly segregated and easy to track <smile>...
IF you absolutely had to set some of them to APPR - you could do it as an Initial step in your Workflow (a workaround to the status problem discussed below).
I agree with Jason though, it's a bad Idea and benefits you in no way; about all I can think of is that they only want to search for one Work Order status...
From: [] On Behalf Of Jason Verly
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 8:56 AM
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Re: Asking for recommendations - WO status for PM generated work orders
I wouldn't recommend it. I have an open PMR with Maximo 7.1.x for a site that wanted to do that. The issue is if the PM is set to generate at APPR status and has planned materials on the job plan associated with the PM. When the materials are not available, the generated WO will go straight to WMATL status. However, the WO status history is blank. There isn't even a record of the original WO getting generated.
This ended up causing problems with tracking and alerting PM WO's that were overdue based on previous statuses being empty.
--- In<>, "wprejean" <Wayde.Prejean@...<mailto:Wayde.Prejean@...>> wrote:
> I am getting an internal request to start generating all work orders from PMs with a work order status of APPR (Approved) instead of WSCH (Waiting to be Scheduled), which is what we have historically used. I wanted to ask for comments from other Maximo users / experts on this request, and any pitfalls or benefits you may see.
> I realize and mentioned to our internal team that WSCH is assumed to be approved and that APPR should be used for corrective maintenance - and it helps differentiate between recurring and corrective maintenance work orders.
> Any other comments or assistance / recommendations will be appreciated.

From: Incomm Solutions Inc. (2013-06-28 11:47)

This touches on a pet peeve of mine, actually.

Maximo was designed so that the initial status for PM work orders is WSCH,
whereas the initial approved status for CM work orders is APPR. This makes
sense to me, since CM work orders need to go through the approval process
from WAPPR to APPR, whereas PM work orders don't.

The problem is: for some reason unknown to me, Work Management always
*loves* the WSCH status and hates the APPR status - I keep getting requests
to over-ride and ensure that all work orders go to WSCH. This makes no
sense, since they can both be scheduled using the same procedures. And in
fact, this can actually be a problem: when a PM work order has materials
that can't be fulfilled, it goes to WMATL - and then back to APPR (*not*
WSCH) once the materials are available.

I think there's a critical training issue at the bottom of this, i.e. with
an APPR work order, maybe the scheduler is not sure whether the work order
should be scheduled or he should wait for something else to occur first - ??

Shannon Rotz

From: [] On Behalf Of
Will Hampton
Sent: June-28-13 7:09 AM
Subject: RE: [MAXIMO List] Re: Asking for recommendations - WO status for PM
generated work orders

Waiting for Scheduling is equivalent to APPR - the implication is that PM
Work Orders are by definition "Approved" and are really only Waiting to be
Scheduled. This among other factors makes it easier to keep your PM's and
Corrective work properly segregated and easy to track <smile>...
IF you absolutely had to set some of them to APPR - you could do it as an
Initial step in your Workflow (a workaround to the status problem discussed
I agree with Jason though, it's a bad Idea and benefits you in no way; about
all I can think of is that they only want to search for one Work Order
From: <>
[ <> ] On Behalf
Of Jason Verly
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 8:56 AM
To: <>
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Re: Asking for recommendations - WO status for PM
generated work orders
I wouldn't recommend it. I have an open PMR with Maximo 7.1.x for a site
that wanted to do that. The issue is if the PM is set to generate at APPR
status and has planned materials on the job plan associated with the PM.
When the materials are not available, the generated WO will go straight to
WMATL status. However, the WO status history is blank. There isn't even a
record of the original WO getting generated.
This ended up causing problems with tracking and alerting PM WO's that were
overdue based on previous statuses being empty.
--- In <>
<>, "wprejean" <Wayde.Prejean@...
<mailto:Wayde.Prejean@...>> wrote:
> I am getting an internal request to start generating all work orders from
PMs with a work order status of APPR (Approved) instead of WSCH (Waiting to
be Scheduled), which is what we have historically used. I wanted to ask for
comments from other Maximo users / experts on this request, and any pitfalls
or benefits you may see.
> I realize and mentioned to our internal team that WSCH is assumed to be
approved and that APPR should be used for corrective maintenance - and it
helps differentiate between recurring and corrective maintenance work
> Any other comments or assistance / recommendations will be appreciated.