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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
I am trying to Cross over some custom fields from PR when creating PO "Create Po from PR" select Action.
1. The Custom fields are not crossing over (used Cross over domains)
2. created Automation Script on Object action "Initiate" to populate the PR fields to PO
a. the fields get populated in PO (Front end) but are not there in
the PO table (database).
b. They get saved to Database only after I modify another field
(Front End) in PO application and then Saves.
1. Where is data saved until then?
2. Is there another way to carry over fields from PR to PO.
Do you mean you are trying to crossover from PRLINE to POLINE?
You should not be populating fields during the Init event, this is not
intended to be used to modify data that will not be saved, hence why it
doesn't save unless you modify other fields. When a fields is set it is
populated in the mbo in memory, it will not be in the database until you
I think that what you want is an automation script with an attribute launch
point on POLINE.PRNUM such that when the copy process sets the PRNUM you
can navigate (in the script) to the PRLINE and populate the fields. For
this to launch the POLINE is already being edited an should then persist to
the database once saved.
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Goni <> wrote:
> **
> I am trying to Cross over some custom fields from PR when creating PO
> "Create Po from PR" select Action.
> 1. The Custom fields are not crossing over (used Cross over domains)
> 2. created Automation Script on Object action "Initiate" to populate the
> PR fields to PO
> a. the fields get populated in PO (Front end) but are not there in
> the PO table (database).
> b. They get saved to Database only after I modify another field
> (Front End) in PO application and then Saves.
> Question?
> 1. Where is data saved until then?
> 2. Is there another way to carry over fields from PR to PO.
> Thanks
> Hardev
Hi Hardev,
I don't know much about automation script as we are running 7.1 but kindly check the following discussion on Linkedin for a work around solution for you scenario:
Best regards,
Amir S. Anwar
Senior Software Engineer
Beshay Steel Egypt
From: Goni <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 1:55 AM
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Create PO from PR, cross referencing Custom Fields
I am trying to Cross over some custom fields from PR when creating PO "Create Po from PR" select Action.
1. The Custom fields are not crossing over (used Cross over domains)
2. created Automation Script on Object action "Initiate" to populate the PR fields to PO
a. the fields get populated in PO (Front end) but are not there in
the PO table (database).
b. They get saved to Database only after I modify another field
(Front End) in PO application and then Saves.
1. Where is data saved until then?
2. Is there another way to carry over fields from PR to PO.
I just did this myself in V7.5.
For the PR Lines à PO Lines crossover, its fairly simple just create a
crossover domain and attach it to POLINE.PRNUM. Note: POLINE.PRNUM is a
non-persistent field, so you wont find it in the database, but the
crossover worked just fine.
For the header crossovers thats a bit harder. I ended up doing an
autoscript for it:
1. Object Launch Point (PO)
2. Add Event
3. Condition: revisionnum = 0 and status = WAPPR
The script is below. (Note: if any of the coding purists out there has
feedback on how it could be improved, let me know.)
If you dont have V7.5 and therefore cant use autoscripts, then I would
suggest using the built-in crossover fields for your custom fields, and just
re-label them for your use. These are hidden on the screen, but if you use
them, they will automatically cross over. For instance, PR.PR1 goes to
PO.PO1, PR.PR2 goes to PO.PO2, etc.
Shannon Rotz
from psdi.util.logging import MXLogger
from psdi.util.logging import MXLoggerFactory
from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
logger = MXLoggerFactory.getLogger("maximo.script");
logger.debug("==================== OBJ-PR-PO-XOVERS." + launchPoint + ":
START =====================")
origPR = mbo.getString("POLINE.PRNUM")
logger.debug("origPR: #" + str(origPR) + "#")
if origPR is not None and origPR <> "":
prSet = mbo.getMboSet("$origPR", "PR", "prnum = " + origPR)
prRec = prSet.getMbo(0)
if prRec is not None:
buyer = prRec.getString("PURCHASEAGENT")
reqDate = prRec.getString("REQUIREDDATE")
workArea = prRec.getString("WORKAREA")
eMail = prRec.getString("CONTACTEMAIL")
logger.debug("==================== OBJ-PR-PO-XOVERS." + launchPoint + ": END
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: August-20-13 4:56 PM
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Create PO from PR, cross referencing Custom Fields
I am trying to Cross over some custom fields from PR when creating PO
"Create Po from PR" select Action.
1. The Custom fields are not crossing over (used Cross over domains)
2. created Automation Script on Object action "Initiate" to populate the PR
fields to PO
a. the fields get populated in PO (Front end) but are not there in
the PO table (database).
b. They get saved to Database only after I modify another field
(Front End) in PO application and then Saves.
1. Where is data saved until then?
2. Is there another way to carry over fields from PR to PO.