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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
I have created a comm. template that needs to use variables from a table window. I have a few problems and am hoping someone can tell me if this is possible or not?
#1) I am showing fields from the jobtask object on screen(lr_section & lr_answer), but they will not show in my comm. template once generated. I have also tried using the relationship of wo_jobtask (jobtaskid=:jobtaskid) with no luck.
#2) The comm. template is always selecting the first row in the table window and not the row that has the focus and the details are expanded.
Here is the comm. template:
We need additional information for the following assessment and section.
Contractor: :lr_contractor
Unit / Rig Name: :lr_rig
Section: :jobtask.lr_section I cannot get this
Score: :woactivity.lr_score
Remarks / Evidence:
Output when comm. template is created:
We need additional information for the following assessment and section.
Contractor: ADC
Unit / Rig Name: ADC-15
Section: :jobtask.lr_section
Score: 9
In planning product realization, the organization determined the need to establish processes, documents, and provide resources specific to the product (service).
Remarks / Evidence:
The Schlumberger HUB holds the QHSE MS documents; The QUEST database holds the records; reports are uploaded by the personnel. Some ADC Office department processes are not resembled in the Schlumberger Hub, such as the HR processes.The operation for running casing was conducted different than in the rig specific procedures.ADC policies instructions old, but controlled.At the rig site JSA's were updated..