Maximo List Archive

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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

Work Orders that have been "back statused"

From: jackie20062003 (2014-06-03 14:36)

I apologize in advance if this has already been asked. I tried to search for it, but couldn't find it.

Could someone help me write a query that will pull all Work Orders that have been approved, then changed to an unapproved status, and then re-approved again? This is something that many users are our company wish to keep a close eye on (as it's really something that they shouldn't do, unless it's an emergency, really). I just can't seem to figure out how to query the WOSTATUS table to find WOs that have been reapproved multiple times.

I would need a query that will show WOs that were once approved and still in an unapproved status currently and then another query that would show WOs that were unapproved; however, are currently in an approved status.

For your reference, these are the Status we are mainly looking at:
Approved = APPR, SCHED

From: Pat Morrow (2014-06-03 18:09)

I would need a query that will show WOs that were once approved and still in an unapproved status currently  - try the one below.
((woclass = 'WORKORDER' or woclass = 'ACTIVITY') 
and historyflag = 0 
and status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
and wonum in (select wonum from wostatus
where status in ('APPR', 'SCHED'))
and istask = 0
I will try to squeeze in few minutes tomorrow to work on the other one for you.
Pat Morrow
On Tuesday, June 3, 2014 3:37 PM, " [MAXIMO]" <> wrote:

 I apologize in advance if this has already been asked.  I tried to search for it, but couldn't find it.
Could someone help me write a query that will pull all Work Orders that have been approved, then changed to an unapproved status, and then re-approved again?  This is something that many users are our company wish to keep a close eye on (as it's really something that they shouldn't do, unless it's an emergency, really).  I just can't seem to figure out how to query the WOSTATUS table to find WOs that have been reapproved multiple times.
I would need a query that will show WOs that were once approved and still in an unapproved status currently and then another query that would show WOs that were unapproved;  however, are currently in an approved status.
For your reference, these are the Status we are mainly looking at:
Approved = APPR, SCHED

From: jackie20062003 (2014-06-03 18:53)

Thank you :)

Here's what I came up with, but not sure if it's 100% accurate or the most efficient:

--WOs that were unapproved and STILL remain in an unapproved status
select a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, max(a.changedate) back_status_date, b.status current_wo_status
from WOSTATUS a, workorder b, wostatus c
where a.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = b.SITEID
and c.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = c.SITEID
and a.status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
and c.status in ('APPR','SCHED')
and b.status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
[Entered in some company specific data to narrow down my results]
group by a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, a.changedate, b.status;

--WOs that were unapproved and were reapproved
select a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, max(a.changedate) back_status_date, b.status current_wo_status
from WOSTATUS a, workorder b, wostatus c
where a.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = b.SITEID
and c.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = c.SITEID
and a.status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
and c.status in ('APPR','SCHED')
and b.status not in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
[Entered in some company specific data to narrow down my results]
group by a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, a.changedate, b.status;

I forgot to mention, I also need to capture the "culprit" that changed the status of an approved WO back to WAPPR, WPLAN, WMATL or PLANNED. :(

From: Ian Wright (2014-06-04 07:39)

istask = 0 and woclass = 'WORKORDER' and
status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL') and exists
(select null from wostatus where status in ('APPR', 'SCHED') and wonum = workorder.wonum and siteid = workorder.siteid)
status in ('APPR', 'SCHED') and
1 <
(select COUNT(*) from wostatus where status = 'APPR' and wonum = workorder.wonum and siteid = workorder.siteid)
1 < (select COUNT(*) from wostatus where status = 'SCHED' and wonum = workorder.wonum and siteid = workorder.siteid)

From: []
Sent: 04 June 2014 02:53
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Re: Work Orders that have been "back statused"

Thank you :)

Here's what I came up with, but not sure if it's 100% accurate or the most efficient:

--WOs that were unapproved and STILL remain in an unapproved status
select a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, max(a.changedate) back_status_date, b.status current_wo_status
from WOSTATUS a, workorder b, wostatus c
where a.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = b.SITEID
and c.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = c.SITEID
and a.status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
and c.status in ('APPR','SCHED')
and b.status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
[Entered in some company specific data to narrow down my results]
group by a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, a.changedate, b.status;

--WOs that were unapproved and were reapproved
select a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, max(a.cha! ngedate) back_status_date, b.status current_wo_status
from WOSTATUS a, workorder b, wostatus c
where a.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = b.SITEID
and c.WONUM = b.WONUM and a.SITEID = c.SITEID
and a.status in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
and c.status in ('APPR','SCHED')
and b.status not in ('WAPPR','PLANNED','WPLAN','WMATL')
[Entered in some company specific data to narrow down my results]
group by a.wonum, a.status, a.changeby, a.changedate, b.status;

I forgot to mention, I also need to capture the "culprit" that changed the status of an approved WO back to WAPPR, WPLAN, WMATL or PLANNED. :(

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