Maximo List Archive

This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

Work Order TargStartDate - Where does it come from, where did it go?

From: miranda.anderson (2015-08-06 15:08)

On my WO List page, for all my PM WOs, I can see the TargStartDate. This is the expected TargStartDate from the PM record. However, when I open the WO, this date shows only in TargCompDate. I have checked in Application Designer and all the fields are pointed to where they are supposed to be, so it's not cross-wiring of field names/contents.
Any ideas appreciated, especially by my very confused vendors...

From: InComm Solutions Inc. (2015-08-07 09:11)

In App Designer, click on that field and take a look to see if there's a
Linked Controls ID (in the Advanced tab). If there is, remove it.

You could also add the ID for the corresponding TargStartDate field in the
Advanced Search if you want.

Shannon Rotz

From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2015 3:08 PM
Subject: [MAXIMO List] Work Order TargStartDate - Where does it come from,
where did it go?

On my WO List page, for all my PM WOs, I can see the TargStartDate. This is
the expected TargStartDate from the PM record. However, when I open the WO,
this date shows only in TargCompDate. I have checked in Application Designer
and all the fields are pointed to where they are supposed to be, so it's not
cross-wiring of field names/contents.
Any ideas appreciated, especially by my very confused vendors...