Maximo List Archive

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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

RE: [MAXIMO List] Retrieving Maximo Asset Downtime

From: planschd (2014-11-19 07:09)

Use entirely different approach....
Add new field to wotrack called Downtimedate.
Also add TotalDowntime.
If the asset is actually down at work order creation then staff enters value in Downtimedate.
Build Autoscript.
If downtimedate has value then
Actfinish minus Downtimedate.
Actfinish minus Actstart.
Convert to Days xx.x units.
This captures Operational downtime and can be easily summed up on workorder table.
Good to go...
Sent on a Sprint Samsung Galaxy NoteĀ® II
<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: "Tommy Hediaka [MAXIMO]" <> </div><div>Date:11/18/2014 11:04 PM (GMT-06:00) </div><div>To: maximo yahoogroups <> </div><div>Subject: [MAXIMO List] Retrieving Maximo Asset Downtime </div><div>
</div>Dear Maximo Experts,
Does anyone know how to retrieve asset downtime data through SQL or Mbo? since it's in non persistent table. (asset application -> Select Action -> Manage downtime history)
Thank you..
Best Regards,