Maximo List Archive

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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

report asset downtime via MIF

From: ricardo.monsivais (2016-05-02 08:03)

Hi everyone,

Somebody knows wich is the correct way to report asset downtime via MIF?, because i'm using the downtime OS and exposed in a WS, but when I try to use create or sync method it trows the next error:

Caused by: psdi.util.MXSystemException: BMXAA4214E - Se ha producido un error desconocido. Póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema para solicitar ayuda. Reúna los registros del directorio <HOME> y determine el origen y la causa del error.

alternatibly,I try to use directly the assetstatus object but it appears the next error:

Caused by: psdi.util.MXAccessException: BMXAA0024E - La acción ADD no está permitida en el objeto ASSETSTATUS. Compruebe las reglas empresariales para el objeto y defina la acción correspondiente.
at psdi.mbo.MboSet.checkMethodAccess(
at psdi.mbo.MboSet.addAtIndex(
at psdi.mbo.MboSet.add(
at psdi.mbo.MboSet.add(

any of you can give an advice?
