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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.
Maximo 7.5 on Windows and SQL Server.
I have four sites. Go to the Invoices app, key in =SITE4 in the Site field, and it takes significantly longer to return its 16 rows than any other site. Checked logs, and SITE4 is the only site that, in Invoices, exceeds the compute time and kicks its SQL out. Almost all of the SQL is against invoiceline, summation of costs and taxes, like this:
[25 May 2016 13:58:50:249 [WARN] [MXServer02] [] BMXAA6720W - USER = (CWANKO) SPID = (106) app (null) object (INVOICELINE) : select sum(linecost) from invoiceline where invoicenum in (select invoicenum from invoice where status not in ( 'CANCEL' , 'REVERSED' ) and documenttype not in ( 'REVINVOICE' , 'REVDEBIT' , 'REVCREDIT' ) and ((ponum = 'SITE4-47502' and positeid = 'SITE4' ) or (ponum is null))) and ponum = 'SITE4-47502' and polinenum is not null and positeid = 'SITE4' (execution took 6271 milliseconds)
Just for laughs, I updated the statistics, no change. Also in a laughing mood, I check matrectrans and invoiceline row counts, and SITE4 has the lowest counts of the four sites. Yet, Maximo deals with SITE4 very poorly in this app.
Anyone have any clues for this new one?
Is this your first time accessing SITE4?
Is it quicker the second time around when you search on SITE4?
What does your explain plan say?
Sometimes the results need to be cached.
In the morning, the first person to log into Maximo experiences slow performance as work order tracking gets loaded. But anyone else using the module afterwards does not experience the initial slowness.
---In, <> wrote :
Is this your first time accessing SITE4?
Is it quicker the second time around when you search on SITE4?
What does your explain plan say?
No, no, and I didn't run an explain plan because doing the same search with SITE1, SITE2, or SITE 3 does not show a problem.
This isn't a caching problem.