Maximo List Archive

This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

Unable to attach a field value of quotationline on the comm template associated with RFQ

From: mahadevan.r (2017-04-06 11:23)

Hi All,

I have created a comm template based on object RFQ to send email on reaching a task node in RFQ work flow.I want to attach in the email body some fields based on quotationline object based on RFQ vendor.Maximo doesnt allow me to do this,is there any option to do this.

I am on Maximo 7.5

From: maximal (2017-04-12 12:12)

---In, <> wrote :
I have created a comm template based on object RFQ to send email on reaching a task node in RFQ work flow.I want to attach in the email body some fields based on quotationline object based on RFQ vendor.Maximo doesnt allow me to do this,is there any option to do this.
I am on Maximo 7.5

Do you have a relationship between the RFQ object and quotationline? If so, what's it called?

To use it to get a quotationline column to show up, you use the format

