Maximo List Archive

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Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

labeling statement in java

From: yudi.irianto (2012-03-26 15:08)

Dear all,
I need your suggestion about labeling syntax in Java, below sample What does it mean with "break label215"?
does it exit from the loop-do and continue to " label215: invRes =
(MboRemote)e.nextElement();" ?
public void copyInvReserveSet(MboSetRemote invReserveSet)
throws MXException, RemoteException {
MboRemote invRes = null;
Vector selectedMbos = invReserveSet.getSelection();
MboRemote invuse = getOwner();
if ((invuse != null) && (invuse.isBasedOn("InvUse"))) {
String usetype = getTranslator().toInternalString("INVUSETYPE",
invuse.getString("usetype"), invuse);
if (!(usetype.equalsIgnoreCase("MIXED"))) {
Enumeration e = selectedMbos.elements();
do { do { if (!(e.hasMoreElements()))
break label215;
<------------------------------------------------------------------ here
invRes = (MboRemote)e.nextElement();
if (!(usetype.equalsIgnoreCase("TRANSFER"))) break
while ((!(invRes.getString("tostoreloc").equals(""))) ||
((!(invRes.getString("ponum").equals(""))) &&
label161: throw new MXApplicationException("inventory",
while ((!(usetype.equalsIgnoreCase("ISSUE"))) || (
(invRes.getString("ponum").equals("")) &&
throw new MXApplicationException("inventory",
for (Enumeration e = selectedMbos.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();
) {
label215: invRes = (MboRemote)e.nextElement();
Max75, Was, Sql2008r2
Thanks & Best Regards,
Yudi Irianto