Maximo List Archive

This is an archive of the Maximo Yahoo Community. The content of this pages may be a sometimes obsolete so please check post dates.
Thanks to the community owner Christopher Wanko for providing the content.

Attaching the different folder attachments(Eg. PR attachments) in communication template(Main object is RFQ)

From: mahadevan.r (2019-10-01 05:12)

Dear Experts,

Has anyone ever configured Maximo to allow say PR folders in the RFQ comm template.

I tried to customize the communication template class to allow the PR folders to appear but I am stuck up at one point as the PR attachments doesnt go in the RFQ email sent from the RFQ comm template.

The system throws an error message on line 1108 as there is no COMPANIES relationship for the mbo RFQ.

Can you please guide me what to do to solve the issue.

public void getDocLinksFromSelectedFolder(MboRemote mbo, MboSetRemote relatedDocLinkSet)
throws MXException, RemoteException
/*1063*/ getRefAppsRels();
/*1065*/ String objectName = getString("objectName");
/*1066*/ MboSetRemote commtmpltDocSet = getMboSet("COMMTMPLTDOCS");
/*1067*/ int xx = 0;
/*1068*/ for(MboRemote commtmpltDoc = null; (commtmpltDoc = commtmpltDocSet.getMbo(xx++)) != null;)
/*1071*/ MboSetRemote appDocTypeSet = commtmpltDoc.getMboSet("APPDOCTYPE");
/*1072*/ MboRemote appDocType = appDocTypeSet.getMbo(0);
/*1073*/ if(appDocType != null)
/*1075*/ String app = appDocType.getString("app");
/*1076*/ String docType = appDocType.getString("doctype");
/*1080*/ Enumeration enumit = appsRels.keys();
/*1080*/ while(enumit.hasMoreElements())
/*1082*/ String refApp = (String)enumit.nextElement();
/*1083*/ if(refApp.equalsIgnoreCase(app))
/*1085*/ Vector rels = (Vector)appsRels.get(refApp);
/*1086*/ int index = 0;
/*1087*/ while(index < rels.size())
/*1089*/ String rel = (String)rels.get(index++);
/*1091*/ MboSetRemote docLinkSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("DOCLINKS", getUserInfo());
/*1093*/ if(rel.equalsIgnoreCase("SELF"))
/*1095*/ SqlFormat sqf = new SqlFormat("ownertable=:1 AND OWNERID=:2 and doctype=:3");
/*1096*/ sqf.setObject(1, "doclinks", "ownertable", objectName);
/*1097*/ sqf.setLong(2, mbo.getUniqueIDValue());
/*1098*/ sqf.setObject(3, "doclinks", "doctype", docType);
/*1099*/ docLinkSet.setWhere(sqf.format());
/*1100*/ if(docLinkSet.count() > 0)
/*1101*/ docLinkSet.copy(relatedDocLinkSet);
} else
/*1105*/ Vector relatedSet = new Vector();
/*1106*/ if(rel.indexOf('.') == -1)
/*1108*/ for(MboSetEnumeration mse = new MboSetEnumeration(mbo.getMboSet(rel)); mse.hasMoreElements(); relatedSet.add(mse.nextMbo()));