Class | Description |
AnalyzeSql |
This class examines SQL statements for Multitenancy.
ContextSql |
This object is used to link a SQL statement, a context, and a Statement.
LoggingCallableStatement |
This class wraps around a CallableStatement to report on the SQL statements executed
and their results.
LoggingConnection |
This class wraps around a connection object so that we can log the SQL and
the result of executing that SQL.
LoggingPreparedStatement |
This class wraps around a PreparedStatement to report on the SQL statements executed
and their results.
LoggingStatement |
This class wraps around a Statement to report on the SQL statements executed
and their results.
MaximoIndex |
Maximo Index related methods.
MaximoSequence |
This class handles the table sequences on Maximo tables that are used to
generate unique ID values.
MTConnection |
Handles a database connection where MultiTenancy is enabled.
MTContext |
This class is used to identify contexts of a Multitenancy database.
MTDatabaseMetaData |
Override a DatabaseMetaData object to turn off support
for batch operations.
MTPreparedStatement |
Support prepared statement when connected to an MT database.
MTStatement |
Multitenancy Statement.
Enum | Description |
MTStorageType |
Defines the Storage Types for Multitenancy used by the DBChange code.
Exception | Description |
MTSQLException |
When an SQLException is thrown when executing SQL on a MT-enabled database,
it is wrapped in this exception class.
WrappedSQLException |
Used to wrap exceptions that were caught.