See: Description
Interface | Description |
AssetAttributeRemote |
Remote Interface to the AssetAttribute object.
AssetAttributeSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of AssetAttributes.
AssetCatalogServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the POService object.
ClassAncestorRemote |
Remote Interface to the ClassAncestor object.
ClassAncestorSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ClassAncestorSet.
ClassificationRemote |
Remote Interface to the Classification object.
ClassificationSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Classification.
ClassSpecRemote |
Remote Interface to the ClassSpec object.
ClassSpecSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ClassSpecs.
ClassSpecUseWithRemote |
Remote Interface to the ClassSpecUseWith object.
ClassSpecUseWithSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ClassSpecUseWith.
ClassStructureRemote |
Remote Interface to the ClassStructure object.
ClassStructureSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ClassStructures.
ClassUseWithRemote |
Remote Interface to the AssetAttribute object.
ClassUseWithSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of AssetAttributes.
MeasureUnitRemote |
Remote Interface to the MeasureUnit object.
MeasureUnitSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MeasureUnits.
SpecHistoryInterface |
This interface should only be used by the specification objects which have
a history table e.g.
SpecificationMboRemote |
Remote Interface to the Specification.
SpecificationMboSetRemote |
Class | Description |
AssetAttribute |
MBO to represent AssetAttribute.
AssetAttributeSet |
Represents the set of AssetAttributes.
AssetCatalogService | |
ClassAncestor |
MBO to represent a classstructure's ancestor.
ClassAncestorSet |
Represents the set of ClassAncestor.
Classification |
MBO to represent Classification.
ClassificationSet |
Represents the set of Classification.
ClassSpec |
MBO to represent ClassSpec.
ClassSpecSet |
Represents the set of ClassSpecs.
ClassSpecUseWith |
MBO to represent ClassSpecUsewith.
ClassSpecUseWithSet |
Represents the set of ClassSpecUseWith.
ClassStructure |
MBO to represent ClassStructure.
ClassStructureSet |
Represents the set of ClassStructures.
ClassUseWith |
MBO to represent ClassUseWith.
ClassUseWithSet |
Represents the set of AssetAttributes.
FldAncestorClassID | |
FldAssetAttributeDataType |
Behavior of the datatype field of the ASSETATTRIBUTE object
The valid types are: ALN & NUMERIC
The valuelistname="DATATYPE"
FldAssetAttrId |
Fld class AssetAttrid
FldClassificationDesc |
Behaviour of the description_class field
FldClassificationId |
Behaviour of the classificationdi field
FldClassificationOrgid |
Verifies that an active organization
is associated with this classstructure.
FldClassificationSiteid |
Validates that the entered siteid is unique,is in the organization
FldClassSpecApplyDownHier |
TO DO: To delete this class
Behavior of the ApplyDownHier of ClassSSpec object
FldClassSpecAssetAttrId |
Fld class AssetAttrid
FldClassSpecDataType |
Behavior of the datatype field (non-persitent)in the ClassSpec object
The valid types are: ALN & NUMERIC
The valuelistname="DATATYPE"
FldClassSpecLinkedToAttribute |
Base class for all the linkedtoattribute for CLASSSPEC.LINKEDTOATTRIBUTE
FldClassSpecLinkedToSection |
Fld class Linked To Section - the base class for ClassSpec.LinkedToSection
FldClassSpecLookupName |
This is a class for validating ClassSpec.LookupName
FldClassSpecMeasureUnitId |
Behaviour of the ClassSpec.MeaureUnitId field
FldClassSpecOrgid |
Verifies that an active organization
is associated with this classspec.
FldClassSpecSection |
Fld class AssetAttrid
FldClassSpecSequence |
Fld class AssetAttrid
FldClassSpecSiteid |
Validates that the entered siteid is unique,is in the organization
FldClassSpecTableAttribute |
Behavious of the tableattribute field in the classspec object
FldClassSpecUseWithDefaultAlnValue |
This is a class for validating ClassSpecUseWith.DefaultAlnValue
FldClassSpecUseWithDefaultNumValue |
This is a class for validating ClassSpecUseWith.DefaultNumValue
FldClassSpecUseWithDefaultTableValue |
This is the class for validating The DEFAULTTABLVALUE of the CLASSSPECUSEWITH
FldClassStructureClassificationDesc |
Classstructure.ClassificationDesc: non-persistent column containing the
classification description of the classificationid
FldClassStructureClassificationId |
Behaviour of the classificationdi field of ClassStructure
FldClassStructureHasChildren | |
FldClassStructureHierarchyPath |
Classstructure.HierarchyPath: non-persistent column containing the
parent classifications of the current classstructure classification
FldClassStructureId |
Behaviour of the classstructureid field
FldClassStructureOrgid |
Verifies that an active organization
is associated with this classstructure.
FldClassStructureParent |
Behaviour of the parent field of classstructure
FldClassStructureParentClassificationId |
Behaviour of the parentClassificationId field of classstructure
FldClassStructureSiteid |
Validates that the entered siteid is unique,is in the organization
FldClassStructureUseWithItems |
Behavior of the UseWithItems of ClassStructure object
FldClassStructureUseWiths |
TO DO: To delete this class
Behavior of the UseWith columns of ClassStructure object
FldClassUseWithObjectValue |
Behavior of the objectvalue field of the object
FldClassUseWithTopLevel |
Behavior of the TOPLEVEL of ClassUseWith object.
FldCommonClassStructureid |
Behaviour of the classstructureid field in the Asset object
FldCommonSpecAssetAttrid |
Field validation class for the assetattrid attribute for the specification
objects such as WorkOrderSpec, TicketSpec, SolutionSpec, etc;
FldDomainId |
Behaviour of the Domainid field
FldLinkedToAttribute |
Base class for all the linkedtoattribute in all the XXXXSPEC tables
FldLinkedToSection |
Fld class Linked To Section - the base class for all LinkedToSection
FldMeasureUnitId |
Behaviour of the classificationdi field
FldSpecificationAlnValue |
This is a common class for validating ItemSpec.AlnValue,AssetSpec.ALNVALUE,
and LocationSpec.ALNValue; only values defined in the domain are valid if a domain
has been defined.
FldSpecificationNumValue |
This is a common class for validating ItemSpec.NUMVALUE,AssetSpec.NUMVALUE,
and LocationSpec.NUMVALUE; only values defined in the domain are valid if a domain
has been defined.
FldSpecificationTableValue |
This is a common class for validating The TABLVALUE of the XXXXSPEC tables
FldSpecValue |
Behavious of the location field in the work order object
MeasureUnit |
MBO to represent MeasureUnit.
MeasureUnitSet |
Represents the set of MeasureUnits.
SpecificationMbo |
This abstract class provides common methods for
SpecificationMboSet |
Represents the set of Specifications.
The Asset Catalog package includes MBOs for the setup of class structures and class specifications. A class structure is a group of classifications that describe an asset. For example, all centrifugal pumps might be associated with the class structure that has PUMP as its first classification and CENTRIFUGAL as its first subclassification. Class structures may have up to four subclassifications.
Each class structure may have a set of attributes that apply to all assets associated with it. For example, SIZE, CAPACITY, and SPEED might be three attributes that define centrifugal pumps and differentiate them from each other. A class structure and its attributes make a class specification. Generic class specifications are defined here to be associated with assets (that is, equipment and items) or the locations where they reside.
Once associated, the generic class specification can be modified to better fit the particular asset to which it has been associated. Attributes can be added or removed, and their measure units and values can be modified. A domain may be specified to define valid values. For example, a value may be numeric or alphanumeric, or it may be bound by a value list.
The package also provides methods to search items/locations/equipment based on the classifications that fall under those specifications.The Mbos included in the Asset Catalog package are:
-- This is the service class for the
AssetCatalog package. Relationships among this package's objects are created here.
AssetCatalogService also provides the logic to search for
items, locations or equipment by classstructure(s), attributes or attibutes
and their values.
-- The AssetClass
object maintains the classifications that are used to build the class
-- The AssetAttribute object maintains the attributes that
are added to class structures to create the class specifications.
-- The MeasureUnit object maintains the units of measure for
asset attributes. These units of measure are added to asset attributes in the AssetAttribute
object itself and can be later modified in the ClassSpec object in this package, or the
EquipmentSpec, ItemSpec or LocationSpec objects in other packages.
-- A classstructure
object is a template that describes assets via a hierarchy of classifications.
For example, a pump can be desribed as being a PUMP-CENTRIFUGAL or PUMP-ROTARY.
Both of these examples can accommodate up to three additional levels of
-- The ClassSpec object builds
upon a given class structure by adding attribute, measure unit, domain and
default value information. A collection of ClassSpec objects and its associated
class structure creates a specification template and describes a certain class
of assets.
-- This object maintains cross reference information for
the ClassStructure object based on ClassStructureId and ClassificationId.
A ClassStructLink object is created every time a non-null value is saved to one
of the classification Id attributes (that is, L1ClassificationId - L5ClassificationId)
in the ClassStructure object. ClassStructLink is used for faster
query and search. It does not have any user interface.
-- This is an abstract super class. It is not implemented
by any of the objects in this package, rather it is implemented by the
EquipmentSpec, ItemSpec, and LocationSpec objects in the Equipment, Inventory,
and Location objects respectively. SpecificationMbo contains logic common to
EquipmentSpec, ItemSpec and LocationSpec. These three objects also use the abstract
methods defined here to implement the logic that differentiates them. Other classes NOT included in the Asset Catalog package, but are related to the Asset Catalog setup are:
The ALNValue holds alphanumeric data for a domain of type ALN
The NUMValue holds numeric data for a domain of type NUM
-- The MaxDomain object
maintains the domains that are assigned to asset attributes and class
specifications. These domains can be defined as either alphanumeric or numeric.
If an asset attribute is constrained by a domain, the attribute's
domain-defined data type is brought over to any class specification that uses
the asset attribute. Asset attributes are not neccessarily constrained by a
domain. The user may add or modify a domain for an asset attribute on a
new class specification record. The domain must have the same datatype as the
attribute to which it is being added.
-- This object maintains the
hierarchy of classification identifiers and its associated attribute information
(that is, attribute names, types, domains and values) that define certain item assets.
Item specifications are derived from class specification templates.
For example, the class specification that corresponds to a class
structure with a top classification of PUMP and a subclassification of ROTARY
will be copied to an item specification for any item that is classified
as PUMP-ROTARY. Values and measure units copied from the template can then
be modified to fit the particular instance of a PUMP-ROTARY item.
An item specification record is deleted only when the originating class specification
object (that is, the corresponding class specification object with the same
classstructure and asset attribute identifiers) is deleted. An item specification
record is added only when a class specification is copied to a specification.
This occurs when a specification template's class structure is assigned to an item.
-- This object maintains the
hierarchy of classification identifiers and its associated attribute information
(that is, attribute names, types, domains and values) that define certain equipment assets.
Equipment specifications are derived from class specification templates.
For example, the class specification that corresponds to a class
structure with a top classification of PUMP and a subclassification of ROTARY
will be copied to an equipment specification for any equipment that is classified
as PUMP-ROTARY. Values and measure units copied from the template can then
be modified to fit the particular instance of a PUMP-ROTARY equipment. Equipment
specifications are also derived from item specifications when an item assigned
to a rotating piece of equipment has its own item specification.
An equipment specification record is deleted only when the originating class
specification object (that is, the corresponding class specification object with
the same classstructure and asset attribute identifiers) is deleted. An
equipment specification record is added when a class specification is
copied to an item specification. When a specification template's class structure
is assigned to an item and the item number corresponds to an equipment's item
number, the item specification is then copied to an equipment specification.
An equipment specification record is also added when a class specification is
copied directly to an equipment specification. This occurs when a specification
template's class structure is assigned to a piece of equipment.
-- This object maintains
the hierarchy of classification identifiers and its associated
attribute information (that is, attribute names, types, domains and values)
that define the assets to reside in the given location. This object maintains
the location specification object, or hierarchy of classification identifiers and associated
attributes, type and domain information and values, that define the types of
assets to reside in a given location.
Location specifications are derived from class specification templates.
For example, the class specification that corresponds to a class
structure with a top classification of PUMP and a subclassification of ROTARY
will be copied to a location specification for any location that is classified
as PUMP-ROTARY. Values and measure units copied from the template can then
be modified to fit the particular instance of a PUMP-ROTARY location. Location
specifications are also derived from item specifications when an item assigned
to a location has its own item specification.
A location specification record is deleted only when the originating class
specification object (that is, the corresponding class specification object with
the same classstructure and asset attribute identifiers) is deleted. A
location specification record is added when a class specification is
copied to an item specification. When the specification template's class structure
is assigned to the item and the item number corresponds to a location's item
number, the item specification is then copied to a location specification.
A location specification record is also added when a class specification is
copied directly to a location specification. This occurs when a specification
template's class structure is assigned to a location.Last updated: 03/15/02