public class MaxAttribute extends Mbo implements MaxAttributeRemote
See Configure Package description.
This is a system level object.
The key attributes for this object are ObjectName, AttributeName.
The attributes in this object are as follows:
Attribute Name | Description |
Alias | Alias for Attribute Name. |
AttributeName | Attribute Name. |
AttributeNo | The attribute number (sequential within this ObjectName). |
AutoKeyName | If this attribute supports autokeying, foreign key to
AutoKey , which is used for assigning the attribute's value.
A value for AutoKeyName is allowed only if CanAutoNum is True.
CanAutoNum | Indicates whether this attribute supports autokeying.
For most attributes, this will be False. CanAutoNum is set to True by Maximo
and cannot be changed by the user.
The CanAutoNum attribute, the AutoKeyName attribute, and the AutoKey row support autokeying;
they do not in themselves indicate that autokeying is in effect for an attribute.
Autokeying in put into effect by setting the attribute's DefaultValue to &AUTOKEY& .
ClassName | Java class for field validation (if any).
For example, .
For details on the listener, see Mbo generateMboValueInstance .
ColumnName | If this is a persistent attribute for a table, then EntityName indicates the table name (TableName) and ColumnName indicates the column name. If this is a persistent attribute for a view, then EntityName + ColumnName refer to the row in MaxViewColumn (ViewName + ViewColumnName). If this is a non-persistent attribute, then this should be null. |
DefaultValue | DefaultValue indicates the default value for that column when inserting a row.
DefaultValue has some reserved words,
as follows (also see Mbo setDefaultValues ).
DomainID | For field validations not defined in a custom field validation class (ClassName).
For details on the listener, see Mbo generateMboValueInstance .
For information on domains, see MaxDomain .
See also System Package description.
EauditEnabled | Identifies whether this attribute participates in EAUDIT logic.
Also see MaxObject (EAuditEnabled and EAuditFilter attributes) and
MaxTable (EAuditTbname attribute).
EntityName | If this is a persistent attribute for a table, then EntityName indicates the table name (TableName) and ColumnName indicates the column name. If this is a persistent attribute for a view, then EntityName + ColumnName refer to the row in MaxViewColumn (ViewName + ViewColumnName). If this is a non-persistent attribute, then this should be null. |
EsigEnabled | Identifies whether this attribute participates in ESIG logic. |
HandleColumnName | Used for text search in DB2. When a column's searchtype
is TEXT , the column will have an associated "handle" column, whose name is
stored here.
IsLDOwner | Yes if this column "owns" a long description. For example, many Description columns are associated with a long description, so the Description has IsLDOwner = Yes. See System Package description. |
IsPositive | Yes if this is a numeric column that cannot be negative. |
Length | The column length. |
MaxType | The Maximo data type. See valuelist MAXTYPE .
This is a refinement of the native db's datatype.
MLInUse | Indicates whether multilanguage is currently being used for this attribute. This can be set to Yes only if MLSupported is Yes. When MLInUse is Yes, this table will have an associated language table which will contain an attribute with the translated values. |
MLSupported | Indicates whether multilanguage functionality is supported for this attribute.
This value is set by IBM Corp. and cannot be changed by the user, except for user-defined attributes.
Also see MaxTable LangTableName, LangColumnName, IsLangTable.
MustBe | Yes if the MaxType, Length, and Scale of this column are not allowed to be changed. This information is used in the configuration UI. |
ObjectName | Object Name. Foreign key to MaxObject .
Persistent | Indicates whether the data in this column is stored on the database. A persistent object may contain both persistent and non-persistent attributes. If the object is non-persistent then all its attributes must be non-persistent. |
PrimaryKeyColSeq | If this column participates in a primary (unique) key,
this identifies the sequence of the column within that key.
This should correspond to the value of "colseq" in MaxSysKeys where the index is unique.
If more than one unique index exists for the table, only one should be used
for the purposes of PrimaryKeyColSeq. This is used by the Java framework's
field validations to ensure the uniqueness of new data.
If any column within a given index allows nulls, then none of the columns for that index should be assigned a value for primarykeycolseq (this rule is expected to change). Also, if the index includes a column having a datetime datatype, then none of the columns for that index should be assigned a value for primarykeycolseq.
For details on the listener, see |
Remarks | Freeform description of the column. |
Required | Yes if a value must be entered in this column (i.e. the column is not nullable). |
SameAsAttribute, SameAsObject | Sometimes a master column controls the datatype, length and scale of various related child columns. When this is the case, the child columns will identify the master column via SameAsTable and SameAsColumn. If the master column is reconfigured, then all child columns are automatically reconfigured to have the same MaxType, Length and Scale. For example, many tables contain a Location column that is supposed to have the same type, length and scale as in the Locations table. These children will specify SameAsTable = Locations and SameAsColumn = Location. |
Scale | The column scale (if numeric). |
SearchType | Type of search allowed for this attribute.
Values are from domainid SEARCHTYPE :
Title | Short description of the attribute. May be dynamically displayed on UIs and in error messages. |
UserDefined | Indicates whether this column was added by a user via the Config application. This is False for Maximo columns. |
MULTILANGCOPY, phantomList, phantomQueue
Constructor and Description |
MaxAttribute(MboSet ms)
Construct the MaxAttribute object
add, addMboSetForRequiredCheck, addToDeleteForInsertList, andEvaluateConditions, appValidate, blindCopy, canDelete, checkFieldAccess, checkMethodAccess, checkMethodAccess, checkQualifiedRestriction, checkSiteOrgAccessForSave, clear, copy, copy, copy, copyFake, copyValue, copyValue, createComm, delete, delete, determineRequiredFieldsFromERM, duplicate, enableMethod, evaluateCondition, evaluateCondition, evaluateCtrlConditions, evaluateCtrlConditions, evaluateRestriction, excludeObjectForPropagate, findAllNullRequiredFields, fireEvent, generateAutoKey, generateContentUID, getAlwaysFlags, getAttrRestrictionFlag, getAttrRestrictions, getBoolean, getByte, getBytes, getCheckpoint, getClientLocale, getClientTimeZone, getCommLogOwnerNameAndUniqueId, getCondition, getDatabaseValue, getDate, getDeleteForInsertList, getDocLinksCount, getDomainFilterWhere, getDomainIDs, getDouble, getExistingMboSet, getFetchIndex, getFieldExceptions, getFlags, getFloat, getIgnoreLockCheck, getInitialValue, getInsertCompanySetId, getInsertItemSetId, getInsertOrganization, getInsertSite, getInstanciatedMboSet, getInstanciatedMboValue, getInt, getIntegrationService, getKeyValue, getLanguageRecordRowStamp, getLinesRelationship, getList, getLockedByDisplayName, getLockedByUserID, getLong, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttrs, getMaxMessage, getMboData, getMboDataSet, getMboForAttribute, getMboForAttributeStatic, getMboInitialValue, getMboList, getMboLogger, getMboRecordData, getMboServer, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboSetInfo, getMboValue, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMXTransaction, getName, getOrgForGL, getOrgSiteForMaxvar, getOwner, getProfile, getPropagateKeyFlag, getProxy, getRecordIdentifer, getRecordMboName, getRelatedWhere, getRelatedWhere, getRelationshipNameToLangTable, getRowRestrictionFlag, getRowStamp, getSecurityLogger, getSiteOrg, getSqlLogger, getString, getString, getStringInBaseLanguage, getStringInSpecificLocale, getStringTransparent, getSynonymValueWhere, getTenantId, getThisMboSet, getTranslator, getUniqueIdentifer, getUniqueIDName, getUniqueIDValue, getUserInfo, getUserName, getValidateOrder, hasFieldAccess, hasHierarchyLink, hasLockSaveRights, hasRelatedQbe, hasUniqueID, init, initFieldFlagsOnMbo, initRelationship, isAutoKeyed, isBasedOn, isChangeByUserWhenSetFromLookup, isEAuditFieldModified, isESigFieldModified, isFlagSet, isForDM, isLocked, isLocked, isLockedByMe, isMasterTenant, isMboLockedByMe, isModified, isModified, isNew, isNull, isOptionGranted, isSelected, isSkipCopyField, isValid, isZombie, lock, modify, moveFieldFlagsToMboValue, needCallInitFieldFlag, orEvaluateConditions, propagateKeyValue, removeRelatedSet, rollbackToCheckpoint, select, setAppDefaultValue, setApplicationError, setApplicationRequired, setAutokeyFields, setCopyDefaults, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValues, setDeleted, setEAuditFieldModified, setESigFieldModified, setFetchIndex, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlags, setFlag, setFlag, setFlags, setForDM, setHierarchyLink, setIgnoreRecordLockCheck, setLangCodeDefault, setMLValue, setModified, setNewMbo, setPropagateKeyFlag, setPropagateKeyFlag, setProxy, setReadonlyWhenParentIsReadonly, setReferencedMbo, setReferencedMbo, setUniqueIDValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValueFromSequence, setValueNull, setValueNull, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigOptionAccessAuthorized, smartFill, smartFind, smartFind, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectNameDirect, startCheckpoint, thisToBeUpdated, toBeAdded, toBeDeleted, toBeSaved, toBeUpdated, toBeValidated, undelete, unlock, unselect, useDataSecurity, validate, validateAttributes, validateKeyUniqueness, valueChanged
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
add, addMboSetForRequiredCheck, addToDeleteForInsertList, blindCopy, checkMethodAccess, clear, copy, copy, copy, copyFake, copyValue, copyValue, createComm, delete, delete, duplicate, evaluateCondition, evaluateCtrlConditions, evaluateCtrlConditions, excludeObjectForPropagate, generateAutoKey, getBoolean, getByte, getBytes, getCommLogOwnerNameAndUniqueId, getDatabaseValue, getDate, getDeleteForInsertList, getDocLinksCount, getDomainIDs, getDouble, getExistingMboSet, getFlags, getFloat, getIgnoreLockCheck, getInitialValue, getInsertCompanySetId, getInsertItemSetId, getInsertOrganization, getInsertSite, getInt, getKeyValue, getLinesRelationship, getList, getLockedByDisplayName, getLong, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttrs, getMaxMessage, getMboData, getMboDataSet, getMboInitialValue, getMboList, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMXTransaction, getName, getOrgForGL, getOrgSiteForMaxvar, getOwner, getPropagateKeyFlag, getRecordIdentifer, getSiteOrg, getString, getString, getStringInBaseLanguage, getStringInSpecificLocale, getStringTransparent, getThisMboSet, getUniqueIDName, getUniqueIDValue, getUserInfo, getUserName, hasHierarchyLink, hasLockSaveRights, isAutoKeyed, isBasedOn, isFlagSet, isForDM, isLocked, isLocked, isMasterTenant, isMboLockedByMe, isModified, isModified, isNew, isNull, isOptionGranted, isSelected, isZombie, lock, propagateKeyValue, rollbackToCheckpoint, select, setApplicationError, setApplicationRequired, setAutokeyFields, setCopyDefaults, setDeleted, setESigFieldModified, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlags, setFlag, setFlag, setFlags, setForDM, setIgnoreRecordLockCheck, setMLValue, setModified, setNewMbo, setPropagateKeyFlag, setPropagateKeyFlag, setReferencedMbo, setReferencedMbo, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValueNull, setValueNull, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigOptionAccessAuthorized, smartFill, smartFind, smartFind, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectNameDirect, startCheckpoint, thisToBeUpdated, toBeAdded, toBeDeleted, toBeSaved, toBeUpdated, toBeValidated, undelete, unlock, unselect, validate, validateAttributes
public MaxAttribute(MboSet ms) throws java.rmi.RemoteException