See: Description
Interface | Description |
AttendanceRemote |
Remote Interface to the Attendance object.
AttendanceSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Attendances.
LaborCertHistRemote |
Remote Interface to the LaborCertHist object.
LaborCertHistSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LaborCertHistSet.
LaborCraftRateRemote |
Remote Interface to the LaborQual object.
LaborCraftRateSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LaborQuals.
LaborQualRemote |
Remote Interface to the LaborQual object.
LaborQualSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LaborQuals.
LaborQualStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the LaborStatus object.
LaborQualStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LaborQualStatusSet.
LaborRemote |
Remote Interface to the labor object.
LaborServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the LaborService object.
LaborSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of labor.
LaborStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the LaborStatus object.
LaborStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LaborStatusSet.
LabTransRemote |
Remote Interface to the labor transaction object.
LabTransSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of labor transactions.
ServRecTransRemote |
Remote Interface to the ServRecTrans object.
ServRecTransSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ServRecTranss.
Class | Description |
Attendance |
Mbo object to represent Attendance.
AttendanceSet |
Represents the set of Attendances.
FldAssignLaborAvailability |
Labor.Available Validation does the following:
FldAssignLaborAvailable |
Labor.Available Validation does the following:
FldAssignLaborStartTime |
Labor.StartTime(non-persistent) Validation does the following:
FldAttendanceFinishDate |
Behaviour of the finishdate field in the Attendance object
FldAttendanceFinishTime |
Behaviour of the finishtime field in the Attendance object
FldAttendanceHrs |
Behaviour associated with the Attendance labor Hrs field
FldAttendanceLaborcode |
Behaviour associated with the Attendance Laborcode field
FldAttendanceStartDate |
Behaviour of the startdate field in the Attendance object
FldAttendanceStartTime |
Behaviour of the starttime field in the Attendance object
FldLaborAssigned | |
FldLaborAvailability | |
FldLaborAvailFactor |
Behaviour associated with the Labor AvailFactor field
FldLaborBirthDate |
Behaviour associated with the Labor BirthDate field
FldLaborCalNum |
common field validation class of person id.
FldLaborCertHistCertificateNum |
Field Validation class for the EffDate field.
FldLaborCertHistEffDate |
Field Validation class for the EffDate field.
FldLaborCertHistValidationDate |
Behavior of the ValidateDate field in LaborCerfHist object.
FldLaborcode |
Common Validation Class for: laborcode identifiers
The constructor takes a name of a labor criteria - as defined in LaborService.initCriteriaList.
FldLaborCraft |
Behaviour associated with the Labor Craft field
FldLaborCraftRate |
Behaviour associated with the LaborQual Laborcode field
FldLaborCraftRateContractNum |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate ContractNum field
FldLaborCraftRateCraft |
Behaviour associated with the LaborQual Laborcode field
FldLaborCraftRateDefaultCraft |
Behaviour associated with the LaborQual Laborcode field
FldLaborCraftRateDisplayRate |
Behaviour associated with the non persistent LaborCraftRate DisplayRate field
FldLaborCraftRateInherit |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate Inherit field
FldLaborCraftRateIsActive |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate IsActive field
FldLaborCraftRateLaborcode |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate Laborcode field
FldLaborCraftRateRate |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate Rate field
FldLaborCraftRateSkillLevel |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate SkillLevel field
FldLaborCraftRateStandardRate |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate's standard rate field
FldLaborCraftRateVendor |
Behaviour associated with the LaborCraftRate vendor field
FldLaborCrewAssignment |
Field validation class for non-persistent attribute labor.crewassignment
FldLaborDay2 |
Labor.Day2 initiation calls the SetWorkHrs method in the parent labor mbo
if it's the first of the DayN fields accessed.
FldLaborDay3 |
Labor.Day3 initiation calls the SetWorkHrs method in the parent labor mbo
if it's the first of the DayN fields accessed.
FldLaborDay4 |
Labor.Day4 initiation calls the SetWorkHrs method in the parent labor mbo
if it's the first of the DayN fields accessed.
FldLaborDay5 |
Labor.Day5 initiation calls the SetWorkHrs method in the parent labor mbo
if it's the first of the DayN fields accessed.
FldLaborDay6 |
Labor.Day6 initiation calls the SetWorkHrs method in the parent labor mbo
if it's the first of the DayN fields accessed.
FldLaborDay7 |
Labor.Day7 initiation calls the SetWorkHrs method in the parent labor mbo
if it's the first of the DayN fields accessed.
FldLaborHireDate |
Behaviour associated with the Labor Hire Date field
FldLaborIsCraft |
Behaviour associated with the Labor IsCraft field
FldLaborLabInventoryLoc |
Behaviour associated with the Labor WorkLocation field
FldLaborLabInventorySite |
Behavior of the site field in the transfer out
FldLaborLaborcode |
Behaviour associated with the Labor Laborcode field
FldLaborOrgID |
Behaviour associated with the Labor Outside field
FldLaborOTScale |
Behaviour associated with the Labor OTScale field
FldLaborOutside |
Behaviour associated with the Labor Outside field
FldLaborPayRate |
Behaviour associated with the Labor PayRate field
FldLaborPercentAlloc |
Labor.percentalloc Validation does the following:
FldLaborPersonID |
common field validation class of person id.
FldLaborQualCertificateNum |
Behaviour associated with the LaborQual CertificateNum field
FldLaborQualCurrent |
Behavior of the Current Field for Labor Qual.
FldLaborQualEffDate |
Field Validation for EffDate field.
FldLaborQualLaborcode |
Behaviour associated with the LaborQual Laborcode field
FldLaborQualOriginalYear |
Behavior of the Original Year Field for Labor Qual.
FldLaborQualQualificationID |
Behaviour associated with the LaborQual QualificationID field
FldLaborQualValidationDate |
Behavior of the ValidateDate field in LaborQual.
FldLaborQuantity |
Behaviour associated with the Labor Quantity field
FldLaborShiftNum |
common field validation class of person id.
FldLaborStartLocation |
Behaviour associated with the LaborQual Laborcode field
FldLaborStartTime | |
FldLaborStoreLocation |
Behaviour associated with the Labor StoreLocation field
FldLaborTotalAttendance | Attendance Validation does the following:
- initializes the Value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
FldLaborTotalDailyTime |
Labor.DailyTime Validation does the following:
- initializes the Value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
FldLaborWOPriority |
Behaviour associated with the Labor WOPriority field
FldLaborWorkDate |
Labor.Day1 initiation calls the SetWorkHrs method in the parent labor mbo
if it's the first of the DayN fields accessed.
FldLaborWorkLocation |
Behaviour associated with the Labor WorkLocation field
FldLaborWorkSite |
Behavior of the site field in the transfer out
FldLaborYtdHrsRefused |
common field validation class of person id.
FldLabTransActivity |
Behavior associated with the LabTrans activity field.
FldLabTransAssetnum |
Behaviour associated with the asset field
FldLabTransContract |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans contractnum field
FldLabTransCraft |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans craft field
FldLabTransCraftRate |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans craft,skilllevel,vendor, contractnum field
FldLabTransEnterDate |
Behaviour associated with the EnterDate field
FldLabTransFinishDate |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans Finish Date field
FldLabTransFinishTime |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans Finish Time field
FldLabTransGenApprServReceipt |
Behavior associated with the LabTrans GenApprServReceipt field
FldLabTransInvoiceNum |
This class evaluates a INVOICENUM.
FldLabTransLaborcode |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans laborcode field
FldLabTransLineCost |
Behavior associated with the LabTrans LineCost field
FldLabTransLocation |
Behaviour associated with the Location field
FldLabTransOutside |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans Outside field
FldLabTransPayRate |
Behaviour associated with the PayRate field
FldLabTransPOLineNum |
Behaviour associated with the POLineNum field
The Poline entered must be valid and must be of the type service
FldLabTransPonum |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans ponum field
FldLabTransPremiumPayCode |
Behaviour associated with the labtrans premium pay code
FldLabTransPremiumPayHours |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans premiumpayhours field
FldLabTransPremiumPayRate |
Behaviour associated with the Premium Pay Rate field
FldLabTransRefWO |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans RefWO field
FldLabTransRegularHrs |
Behaviour associated with the Labtrans Regular Hrs field
FldLabTransSkillLevel |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans skilllevel field
FldLabTransStartDate |
Behaviour associated with the StartDate field
FldLabTransStartTime |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans StartTime field
FldLabTransTicketClass |
Validation Class for: LabTransTicketClass
FldLabTransTicketID |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans RefWO field
FldLabTransType |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans transtype field
FldLabTransVendor |
Behaviour associated with the LabTrans vendor field
FldLabTransWonum |
Behavior associated with the LabTrans Wonum field.
FldServRecTransAcceptedQty |
Servrectrans.acceptedqty Validation does the following:
- initializes the Value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
FldServRecTransAmtToReceive |
FldServRecTransAmountToReceive is a non-persistent field in a desktop Services receiving table
FldServRecTransAmountToReceive represents the actual dollar amount that is yet to be received
AmountToReceive validation does the following:
initializes the value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
FldServRecTransInspectedQty |
Servrectrans.inspectedqty Validation does the following:
- initializes the Value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
FldServRecTransPercentage |
FldServRecTransPercentage stands for the percentage of linecost that can be received.
FldServRecTransPoLinenum |
Behaviour of the po linenum field in the ServRecTrans object
FldServRecTransPonum |
Behaviour of the ponum field in the ServRecTrans object
FldServRecTransQtyToReceive |
FldServRecTransQtyToReceive is a non-persistent field in a desktop Services receiving table
FldServRecTransQtyToReceive represents the actual amount being received
FldServRecTransQtyToReceive validation does the following:
- initializes the value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
- calculates value by subtracting quantity already received from quantity ordered
FldServRecTransRefWO |
Behavior of refwo in the ServRecTrans object
FldServRecTransRejectQty |
Servrectrans.rejectqtydisplay Validation does the following:
- initializes the Value before any get methods attempt to retrieve value
FldServRecTransUnInvoicedCost |
ServRecTrans.uninvoicedcost (non-persistant attribute) validation class: UnInvoicedCost is
a non-persistant field which displays the cost which has not been invoiced against
the this service receipt.
FldServRecTransUnInvoicedQuantity |
ServRecTrans.uninvoicedquantity (non-persistant attribute) validation class: UnInvoicedQuantity
is a non-persistant field which displays the quantity which has not been invoiced against
the this service receipt.
FldServRecTransWonum |
Behaviour of the work order field in the ServRecTrans object
Labor |
Mbo object to represent a new Labor MBO.
LaborCertHist |
Mbo object to represent LaborCertHist.
LaborCertHistSet |
Represents the set of LaborCertHists.
LaborCraftRate |
Mbo object to represent LaborCraftRate.
LaborCraftRateSet |
Represents the set of LaborCraftRates.
LaborQual |
Mbo object to represent LaborQual.
LaborQualSet |
Represents the set of LaborQuals.
LaborQualStatus |
Mbo object to represent LaborQualStatus.
LaborQualStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for a laborqual object.
LaborQualStatusSet |
Represents the set of LaborQualStatus.
LaborService | |
LaborSet |
Represents the set of Labor.
LaborStatus |
Mbo object to represent LaborStatus.
LaborStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for a labor object.This is a helper class.
LaborStatusSet |
Represents the set of LaborStatus.
LabTrans |
Mbo object to represent Labor Transactions object.
LabTransListener |
This listens for LabTrans being saved so the Set knows when it can update related records.
LabTransService | |
LabTransSet |
Represents the set of Labor Transactions.
PPLaborRate | |
PPLaborRateSet |
Represents the set of PPLaborRate.
ServRecTrans |
Mbo object to represent ServRecTrans.
ServRecTransSet |
Represents the set of ServRecTranss.
The Mbos included in the Labor package are:
-- This MboSet has information about Crafts and Labor Codes. This information includes the pay rate, overtime worked and refused, special skills, qualification, and calendar. Labor Codes can have a value in the Craft attribute. The IsCraft attribute indicates the type of Labor record. Labor can be designated as a transit location, to track equipment and items that have been assigned to labor. A work order can be assigned to the labor depending on the calendar.
-- Maintains the work hours of the labor, that is the start date and end date, start time and end time on a particular date.
-- This transaction table stores a record of the work done by Labor. Each time actual labor is reported within the Work Order Tracking or Labor Reporting, a labor transaction is added to the Labor Transaction table. It also maintains the information of approval of labor transactions and gets updated when service receipts are created for the individual transactions or summarized lines for a particular labor.
Other classes included in the Labor package are:
- This is also a helper class. It contains some utility methods that any object can access. These utility methods perform actions that are related to Labor. It also helps to create service receipts for summarized or individual lines of a labor transaction.
MaxUserGroups object
-- Associates a laborcode to a user name.
JobPlan object
-- The Labor responsible for the work.
JobLabor object
-- Work Planned for a labor/craft.
WPLabor object
-- Work Planned for a labor/craft.
LabAvail object
-- Maintains the information about the availability of labor for a particular shift.
Assignment object
-- Determines labor assigned to a particular workorder.
Last updated: 03/07/2002
Updated By : Ramadevi Bhogadi