ODMAPPNAME | Identifies the name of the ODM application.
DESCRIPTION | Description of the ODM application.
OPTSERVERURL | Indicates the optimization server URL.
OPTSNDBTYPE | Indicates the optimization server database type. The values are Oracle, DB2, SqlServer.
OPTSNDBHOSTNAME | Indicates the optimization server host name.
OPTSNDBINSTANCE | Indicates the optimization database instance.
OPTSNDBPORT | Indicates the optimization scenario port.
OPTSNDBUSER | Indicates optimization server database user.
OPTSNDBPASSWORD | Indicates optimization server database password.
ISDEPLOYED | Indicates if the package is deployed.
DEPLOYEDDATE | Indicates the last deployed odm package date.
DEPLOYEDBY | User name who deployed the package.
MXODMAPPID | Unique identification of the odmapp.