INPUTNAME | Identifies the spatial scheduling template.
INPUTDESCRIPTION | Describes the spatial scheduling template.
CMATCHSKILL | Indicates that the work's required skills must be met when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
CSKDWINDOW | Indicates that the schedule window is considered when when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMINCOST | Indicates that labor costs should be minimized when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMINTASKINTERRUPT | Indicates that the interruption of interruptible tasks should be minimized when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMAXASSIGNWO | Maximize the number of assigned work orders when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMAXSUMPRWO | Maximize the sum-product of prioritized work orders when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMAXCREWLABORWO | Maximize the repeatability of crew / labor on dependent work orders when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMINTASKTIME | Minimize the task completion time when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMINTRAVELTIME | Indicates that travel time should be minimized when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OSCHEDWORKFAR | Indicates that schedule work from farthest workorder when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
OMINCREWOVERLAP | Indicates that crew overlap should be minimized when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
CINCLUDETRAVELTIME | Indicates that travel time is considered when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
CPERCTBUFFER | Indicates the percentage of additional travel / work time per work order.
VENFORCEAMS | Indicates whether the spatial scheduling model should enforce the asset maintenance schedule when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
Select Enforce to schedule work during the asset maintenance schedule. Select Ignore to schedule work at the earliest available time.
Select Consider to allow the model to schedule work outside of the maintenance schedule if necessary.
VENFORCEAOS | Indicates whether the spatial scheduling model should enforce the asset operating schedule when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
Select Enforce to schedule work when the asset is not operating. Select Ignore to schedule work at the earliest available time.
Select Consider to allow the model to schedule work during asset operation if necessary.
VENFORCELMS | Indicates whether the spatial scheduling model should enforce the location maintenance schedule when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
Select Enforce to schedule work during the location maintenance schedule. Select Ignore to schedule work at the earliest available time.
Select Consider to allow the model to schedule work outside of the maintenance schedule if necessary.
VENFORCELOS | Indicates whether the spatial scheduling model should enforce the location operating schedule when assigning labor and crew based on there location and work location.
Select Enforce to schedule work when the location is not operating. Select Ignore to schedule work at the earliest available time.
Select Consider to allow the model to schedule work during location operation if necessary.
ISTEMPLATE | Set to 1 if parameters are specified through labor assignment template dialog or the default is set to 0.