Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ConstraintUtil.createLinkedConstraints(Schedule model,
AbstractTreeGridMiniAppBean bean,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> ids,
java.lang.String projectId)
For a given list of Activity IDs then create a Finish to Start constrain
with the next Activity, IF POSSIBLE.
static boolean |
ConstraintUtil.performCPMALL(Schedule model,
BaseLargeGanttView bean,
DataBean appBean) |
static IMXActivity[] |
ConstraintUtil.performCPMSelected(Schedule model,
BaseLargeGanttView bean,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> activityIds,
DataBean appBean) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SchedulerMaxWorkView.addActionMenuItems(TMenu popupmenu,
java.lang.String[] selectedactivitys,
Schedule schedule,
IMXActivityPropertyInfo actproptinfo,
java.lang.String projectId,
java.lang.String propName,
java.lang.String propValue,
java.lang.String frame)
Adds SKDAction items to the TMenu.
void |
UISerializer.addColumn(Schedule schedule, Cols,
Column pi, Header) |
static void |
LargeGanttUtil.addGanttZooms( root,
ISKDUIInfo skdUIInfo,
UIOptions options,
Schedule schedule, Gantt)
Adds the default Gantt Zoom levels to a TreeGrid, and initializes the
default Zoom to be the "middle" Zoom level.
static void |
LargeGanttUtil.buildInfoRow(UIBuilder data,
Schedule leftSchedule,
long rightModelId,
UIOptions options) | |
UISerializer.buildUI(Schedule schedule,
UISerializationHelper helper) |
static void |
LargeGanttUtil.encodeFields(IMXActivity act,
java.lang.String[] fields,
Schedule model,
ReplyBuilder builder,
TreeGridUtil.ITGSerializationHelper helper)
Encode fields into a Changes segment of the ReplyBuilder
static java.lang.String |
LargeGanttUtil.getInfoRowText(Schedule leftSchedule,
long rightModelId,
UIOptions options) |
static java.lang.String |
LargeGanttUtil.getTGNWParts(Schedule model,
Activity mxa,
TreeGridUtil.ITGSerializationHelper helper) |
static boolean |
LargeGanttUtil.isInterruptable(Schedule model,
Activity mxa) |
static java.util.List<Activity> |
LargeGanttUtil.resolveSelectedActivitiesById(Schedule model,
java.util.List<java.lang.Object> arr) | |
ModelSerializer.serializeAllRecords(Schedule schedule) | |
ModelSerializer.serializeChildren(Schedule schedule,
java.lang.String activityID) | |
ModelSerializer.serializeChildren(Schedule schedule,
java.lang.String activityID,
int level) | |
ModelSerializer.serializeCircularDependencies(Schedule schedule,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> activityIDs) | |
ModelSerializer.serializeCompareRootPages(Schedule leftSchedule,
Schedule rightSchedule) | |
ModelSerializer.serializeHierarchy(Schedule schedule,
java.lang.String activityID) | |
ModelSerializer.serializePage(Schedule schedule,
int p) | |
ModelSerializer.serializeRootPages(Schedule schedule) |
void |
SchedulerMaxWorkView.updateDuration(Schedule schedule,
java.util.Date oldStartTime,
java.util.Date oldEndTime,
java.util.Date newStartTime,
java.util.Date newEndTime,
Activity activity)
Start and End times need to be updated at the same time, or else ILOG
will grow or shrink the activity bar when setting the start/end times
int |
SchedulerMaxWorkView.updateStartEndTimes(Schedule schedule, change,
WebClientSession sess,
Activity activity)
Start and End times need to be updated at the same time, or else ILOG
will grow or shrink the activity bar when setting the start/end times
Constructor and Description |
CompareMaxExcelExport(Schedule leftSchedule,
Schedule rightSchedule,
CompareMaxModelHelper modelHelper, exportConfig)
NOTE you should always pass a cloned schedule, since this repositions pages, etc.
MaxExcelExport(Schedule schedule, exportConfig)
NOTE you should always pass a cloned schedule, since this repositions pages, etc.
Constructor and Description |
ActivityTooltipResolver(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> data,
Schedule schedule) |
ActivityTooltipResolver(Schedule schedule) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schedule |
Load the project based on SKDPROJECTID
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schedule |
Note Clone does a soft clone keeping references to the same objects as the original, but it does
make a deep clone of the pageing manager.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Constraint.addConstraintToActivity(Schedule schedule,
Activity fromActivity,
Activity toActivity) |
Activity | projectMbo,
Schedule schedule,
java.sql.ResultSet resultSet,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> objectColumnsMap,
int dbType)
Builds an Activity object based on the values retrieved from a ResultSet.
Constraint | schedule,
Activity from,
Activity to,
ilog.views.gantt.IlvConstraintType type)
Build a new Constraint.
Constraint | schedule,
MboRemote projectMbo,
java.sql.ResultSet resultSet,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Activity> activitiesMap)
Builds an Activity object based on the values retrieved from a ResultSet.
int |
Schedule.getComparePages(Schedule leftModel,
long rightModelId) |
int |
Schedule.getCompareRowCount(Schedule leftModel,
long rightModelId) |
void |
Constraint.remove(Schedule schedule) |
Constructor and Description |
MaxActivityModelProcessor(Schedule schedule) |
MaxModelChangeHandler(Schedule schedule) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Schedule |
ProjectManager.loadProject(java.lang.String projectId,
IProjectManagerCallback callback) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---| |
PagingManager.bulkLoadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
long offsetRecord) | |
ActivityMaxDataManager.bulkLoadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord)
Loads a list of activity records according to the parameters used as input.
| |
ConstraintMaxDataManager.bulkLoadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord) | |
IMaxDataManager.bulkLoadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord) | |
ActivityMaxDataManager.fetchChildren(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.String workOrderNumber,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord,
java.lang.Integer level) | |
PagingManager.fetchChildren(Schedule schedule2,
DataSpec dataSpec2,
java.lang.String internalID,
java.lang.Long offset,
java.lang.Integer level) |
Activity |
ActivityMaxDataManager.findById(Schedule schedule,
java.lang.String id,
DataSpec dataSpec) |
int |
PagingManager.getComparePageCount(Schedule leftModel,
long rightModelId) |
int |
PagingManager.getCompareRowCount(Schedule leftModel,
long rightModelId) |
int |
ActivityMaxDataManager.getCompareRowCount(Schedule leftModel,
long rightModelId,
DataSpec dataSpec) |
int |
ActivityMaxDataManager.getPageCount(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
boolean parentOnly) |
int |
ConstraintMaxDataManager.getPageCount(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
boolean parentOnly) |
int |
IMaxDataManager.getPageCount(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
boolean parentOnly) |
java.util.Collection<IMXReservation> |
ResourceMaxManager.getReservations(Schedule schedule,
IMXResource resource) |
java.util.Collection<IMXReservation> |
IResourceManager.getReservations(Schedule schedule,
IMXResource resource)
For the given resource, we need to return an Iterator of the Reservations for that resources.
java.util.Collection<IMXReservation> |
CachedResourceManager.getReservations(Schedule schedule,
IMXResource resource) |
java.util.Collection<IMXResource> |
ResourceMaxManager.getResources(Schedule schedule,
Range<java.util.Date> range,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> objectNames,
boolean bucketBased) |
java.util.Collection<IMXResource> |
IResourceManager.getResources(Schedule schedule,
Range<java.util.Date> range,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> objectNames,
boolean bucketBased)
For the given schedule and the Date Range (in System times), return an interator of Resources that
match the given range in the Schedule.
java.util.Collection<IMXResource> |
CachedResourceManager.getResources(Schedule schedule,
Range<java.util.Date> range,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> objectNames,
boolean bucketBased) |
int |
ActivityMaxDataManager.getRowCount(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
boolean parentOnly) |
int |
ConstraintMaxDataManager.getRowCount(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
boolean parentOnly) |
int |
IMaxDataManager.getRowCount(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
boolean parentOnly) | |
ConstraintMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
Activity activity,
MboRemote projectMbo,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord) | |
ActivityMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> activityIDs)
Loads a list of activity records according to the parameters used as input.
| |
ConstraintMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> ids) | |
PagingManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> activityIDs) | |
IMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> ids) | |
PagingManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
long offsetRecord) | |
ActivityMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord,
boolean parentOnly)
Loads a list of activity records according to the parameters used as input.
| |
ConstraintMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord,
boolean parentOnly) | |
IMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord,
boolean parentOnly) | |
ConstraintMaxDataManager.loadDataObjects(Schedule schedule, activities,
MboRemote projectMbo,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord) | |
ActivityMaxDataManager.loadDiffDataObjects(Schedule leftSchedule,
long otherProjectID,
DataSpec dataSpec,
java.lang.Long offsetRecord)
Loads a list of activity records according to the parameters used as input.
| |
PagingManager.loadMissingDataObjects(Schedule leftModel,
long rightModelId) | |
ActivityMaxDataManager.loadMissingDataObjects(Schedule leftSchedule,
long otherProjectID,
DataSpec dataSpec)
Loads a list of activity records according to the parameters used as input.
Constructor and Description |
PagingManager(Schedule schedule,
ActivityMaxDataManager manager,
ConstraintMaxDataManager constraintDataManager,
DataSpec dataSpec) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.concurrent.Future<Schedule> |
SKDAppService.loadScheduleMax(java.lang.String projectId,
IProjectManagerCallback helper)
Load a Scheduler Max project by it's Scheduler Project ID
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.Date |
SKDActivityAdjust.addWorkingHours(Schedule schedule,
java.util.Date date,
double workingHours,
boolean isInterruptible) |
void |
SKDActivityAdjust.adjustActivityForMergedShiftList(Activity activity,
Schedule schedule)
Adjust activity to merged shift lists
java.util.Date |
SKDActivityAdjust.getFirstAvailableWorkingDate(java.util.Date scheduleDate,
Schedule schedule) |
double |
SKDActivityAdjust.getNonWorkingHoursBetweenStartAndEndDates(Schedule schedule,
java.util.Date startDate,
java.util.Date endDate)
Get the total non working time between two dates.
java.util.Date |
SKDActivityAdjust.getPreviousAvailableWorkingDate(java.util.Date scheduleDate,
Schedule schedule) |
java.util.Date |
SKDActivityAdjust.getShiftEnd(java.util.Date scheduleDate,
Schedule schedule) |
java.util.ArrayList<java.util.Date> |
SKDActivityAdjust.getShiftWorkPeriod(java.lang.String shift,
Schedule schedule,
boolean shiftDate)
Add the WorkPeriod information to the TreeGrid UI
double |
SKDActivityAdjust.getWorkingHoursBetweenStartAndEndDates(Schedule schedule,
java.util.Date startDate,
java.util.Date endDate)
Find the working hours between two dates
boolean |
SKDActivityAdjust.isWorkingDate(java.util.Date scheduleDate,
Schedule schedule) |
java.util.Date |
SKDActivityAdjust.subtractWorkingHours(Schedule schedule,
java.util.Date date,
double workingHours,
boolean isInterruptible) |
Constructor and Description |
ConstraintViolationsFinder(Schedule schedule)
Constructs a new object.