Class and Description |
GanttConfigInfo |
IGanttConfigInfo |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXActivityPropertyInfo |
IMXGanttModel |
IMXGanttPropertyInfo |
IMXResource |
MXActivity |
MXConstraint |
MXGanttModel |
MXGanttPropertyInfo |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
SKDActionInfo |
SKDCalendarInfo |
SKDShiftWorkTime |
Class and Description |
MXGanttModel |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
Getter methods that are implemented by MXActivity, MXResource, MXReservation, MXContraint to provide
typesafe methods for accessing data
IMXResource |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
MXActivity |
MXConstraint |
MXGanttModel |
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXResource |
MXTravelTimeConstraint |
Class and Description |
Column |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXActivityPropertyInfo |
IMXGanttModel |
IMXResource |
Class and Description |
Column |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXActivityPropertyInfo |
IMXGanttModel |
IMXResource |
Class and Description |
TableConfig |
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
IMXResource |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
IMXGanttModel |
IMXReservation |
IMXResource |
Class and Description |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
Interface used as an abstraction for Constraint/Dependency objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
IMXGanttPropertyInfo |
IMXResource |
Class and Description |
GanttModelChanges |
IMXGanttModel |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
IMXGanttPropertyInfo |
Class and Description |
IMXGanttModel |
Class and Description |
IMXReservation |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
Defines the 3 types of % complete
TASK - % comp is 0 or 100 depending on whether or not the task is not complete or complete
PHYSICAL - user entered % complete on WO
ACTUAL - calculated % complete based on reported hours
NONE - Don't show % complete on Main Bar
MXResource |
Class and Description |
GanttConfig |
IGanttConfigInfo |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
Interface used as an abstraction for Constraint/Dependency objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
Defines the 3 types of % complete
TASK - % comp is 0 or 100 depending on whether or not the task is not complete or complete
PHYSICAL - user entered % complete on WO
ACTUAL - calculated % complete based on reported hours
NONE - Don't show % complete on Main Bar
IMXReservation |
IMXResource |
PrintConfig |
SKDActionInfo |
SKDCalendarInfo |
SKDDateInterval |
SKDShiftWorkTime |
TableConfig |
ToolbarConfig |
Class and Description |
GanttConfig |
IGanttConfigInfo |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
Interface used as an abstraction for Constraint/Dependency objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
Defines the 3 types of % complete
TASK - % comp is 0 or 100 depending on whether or not the task is not complete or complete
PHYSICAL - user entered % complete on WO
ACTUAL - calculated % complete based on reported hours
NONE - Don't show % complete on Main Bar
IMXReservation |
IMXResource |
PrintConfig |
SKDActionInfo |
SKDCalendarInfo |
SKDDateInterval |
SKDShiftWorkTime |
TableConfig |
ToolbarConfig |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
Class and Description |
GanttConfig |
IGanttConfigInfo |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
Provides a set of interfaces for interating/processing all IMXActivites in a IMXGanttModel
Interface used as an abstraction for Constraint/Dependency objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
Defines the 3 types of % complete
TASK - % comp is 0 or 100 depending on whether or not the task is not complete or complete
PHYSICAL - user entered % complete on WO
ACTUAL - calculated % complete based on reported hours
NONE - Don't show % complete on Main Bar
Handles changes to the model
Getter methods that are implemented by MXActivity, MXResource, MXReservation, MXContraint to provide
typesafe methods for accessing data
IMXReservation |
IMXResource |
PrintConfig |
SKDActionInfo |
SKDCalendarInfo |
SKDDateInterval |
SKDShiftWorkTime |
TableConfig |
ToolbarConfig |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXReservation |
IMXResource |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
Class and Description |
ActivityChange |
Column |
Column.Type |
ConstraintChange |
IGanttConfigInfo |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
Provides a set of interfaces for interating/processing all IMXActivites in a IMXGanttModel
IMXActivityPropertyInfo |
Interface used as an abstraction for Constraint/Dependency objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXConstraintPropertyInfo |
IMXGanttCommonConstant |
IMXGanttModel |
Defines the 3 types of % complete
TASK - % comp is 0 or 100 depending on whether or not the task is not complete or complete
PHYSICAL - user entered % complete on WO
ACTUAL - calculated % complete based on reported hours
NONE - Don't show % complete on Main Bar
Handles changes to the model
IMXGanttPropertyInfo |
Getter methods that are implemented by MXActivity, MXResource, MXReservation, MXContraint to provide
typesafe methods for accessing data
IMXReservation |
IMXReservationPropertyInfo |
IMXResource |
IMXResourcePropertyInfo |
IPercentCompleteMethod |
IPercentCompleteSummaryMethod |
ISKDAvailability |
ISKDAvailabilityInfo |
ISKDItemAvailability |
ISKDItemAvailabilityInfo |
ISKDResourceViewInfo |
MXActivity |
MXActivityFactory |
MXConstraint |
MXConstraintFactory |
MXGanttModel |
MXGanttPropertyInfo |
MXPMSeqmentActivity is a Helper class that makes a PM segment, in an Activity, appear like a regular Activity object so that
we can do manipulations on it, like setting the start/end times, etc.
MXReservation |
MXReservationFactory |
MXResource |
MXResourceFactory |
Run Activities are single level children of a PARENT container and would rendered on a single ROW (ie,
they are running along the row)
MXSegmentManager |
Just to carry shift info data for a resource/day
ReservationChange |
RollUpModelUpdater.ItemVisitor |
RollUpModelUpdater.SummaryVisitor |
SKDActionInfo |
SKDActionSorter |
Defines information about the Scheduler Application.
SKDAvailabilityInfo |
SKDCalendarInfo |
SKDCapacityPlanningGapRequestParams.ViewType |
SKDDataGroupInfoSet |
SKDDateInterval |
SKDItemAvailabilityInfo |
Class representing message information related to Scheduler
SKDShiftWorkTime |
SKDUserLocaleData |
SKDViewerAppletExtensionInfo |
SKDWorkTimeInfo |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttCommonConstant |
Getter methods that are implemented by MXActivity, MXResource, MXReservation, MXContraint to provide
typesafe methods for accessing data
MXActivity |
Run Activities are single level children of a PARENT container and would rendered on a single ROW (ie,
they are running along the row)
MXSegmentManager |
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttCommonConstant |
Getter methods that are implemented by MXActivity, MXResource, MXReservation, MXContraint to provide
typesafe methods for accessing data
MXActivity |
Run Activities are single level children of a PARENT container and would rendered on a single ROW (ie,
they are running along the row)
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXConstraint |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
Class and Description |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
Class to store information about resources for PM.
Class and Description |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
Class and Description |
GanttConfigChanges |
GanttConfigInfo |
GanttModelChanges |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
ISKDAvailability |
ISKDItemAvailability |
MXActivity |
MXActivityFactory |
MXConstraint |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXReservationFactory |
MXResource |
SKDActionInfo |
SKDCalendarInfo |
Request Parameters for the Capacity Planning Gap Model request
SKDDateInterval |
SKDItemAvailability |
Class representing message information related to Scheduler
SKDUserLocaleData |
Maintains the User Property changes (ie, changes to the gantt table layout)
for the project and user.
Class and Description |
Interface used as an abstraction for Activity objects from both: ILOG and Scheduler MAX data models.
IMXGanttModel |
Defines the 3 types of % complete
TASK - % comp is 0 or 100 depending on whether or not the task is not complete or complete
PHYSICAL - user entered % complete on WO
ACTUAL - calculated % complete based on reported hours
NONE - Don't show % complete on Main Bar
IMXGanttPropertyInfo |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXResource |
MXTravelTimeConstraint |
Class and Description |
DispatchAppletProperties |
MXActivity |
MXGanttModel |
MXReservation |
MXResource |
SKDActionInfo |
SKDCalendarInfo |
Class and Description |
Defines the 3 types of % complete
TASK - % comp is 0 or 100 depending on whether or not the task is not complete or complete
PHYSICAL - user entered % complete on WO
ACTUAL - calculated % complete based on reported hours
NONE - Don't show % complete on Main Bar