See: Description
Interface | Description |
CalendarBreakRemote |
Remote Interface to the CalendarBreak object.
CalendarBreakSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of CalendarBreak.
CalendarRemote |
Remote Interface to the Calendar object.
CalendarSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Calendar.
NonworktimeRemote |
Remote Interface to the Nonworktime object.
NonworktimeSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Nonworktime.
ShiftPatternDayRemote |
Remote Interface to the ShiftPatternDay object.
ShiftPatternDaySetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ShiftPatternDays.
ShiftRemote |
Remote Interface to the Shift object.
ShiftSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Shifts.
WorkPeriodRemote |
Remote Interface to the WorkPeriod object.
WorkPeriodSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of WorkPeriods.
Class | Description |
Calendar |
Mbo object to represent Calendar : Use the Calendar object to indicate working
time for asset, craft, and labor records.
CalendarBreak |
Mbo object to represent CalendarBreak.
CalendarBreakSet |
Represents the set of CalendarBreaks.
CalendarService | |
CalendarSet |
Represents the set of Calendar.
FldCalendarBreakEndTime |
Validation for End Time attribute in Calendar Break.
FldCalendarBreakStartTime |
Validation for starttime attribute in Calendar Break.
FldCalendarBreakType | |
FldCalendarEndDate |
Validation for enddate attribute in Calendar object
FldCalendarStartDate |
Validation for startdate attribute in Calendar object
FldCalNum |
Common Validation Class for: Calnum identifiers
Since there aren't any selection criteria's for calendar, this object doesn't use them.
FldEndTime |
Validation for endtime attribute in WorkPeriod and ShiftPatternDay objects
FldNonworktimeEndDate |
Validation for enddate attribute in Noworktime object
FldNonworktimeStartDate |
Validation for startdate attribute in Noworktime object
FldShiftDaysInPattern |
Validation for non-persistent attribute daysinpattern in Shift
FldShiftNum |
Common Validation Class for: Shiftnum identifiers
Since there aren't any selection criteria's for shiftnum, this object doesn't use them.
FldShiftpatterndayDescription |
Field listener to shiftpatternday's description field.
FldShiftpatterndaySeq |
Field listener to shiftpatternday's patterndayseq field.
FldStartTime |
Validation for starttime attribute in WorkPeriod and ShiftPatternDay objects
FldWorkHours |
Validation for workhours attribute in WorkPeriod and ShiftPatternDay objects
FldWorkperiodPatternDaySeq |
Validation class for workperiod patterndayseq attribute
FldWorkperiodShiftNum |
Common Validation Class for: Shiftnum identifiers
Since there aren't any selection criteria's for shiftnum, this object doesn't use them.
FldWorkPeriodWorkDate |
Validation for workdate attribute in WorkPeriod object
Nonworktime |
Mbo object to represent Nonworktime.
NonworktimeSet |
Represents the set of Holidays.
Shift |
Mbo object to represent Shift.
ShiftPatternDay |
Mbo object to represent ShiftPatternDay.
ShiftPatternDaySet |
Represents the set of ShiftPatternDays.
ShiftSet |
Represents the set of Shifts.
WorkPeriod |
Mbo object to represent WorkPeriod.
WorkPeriodSet |
Represents the set of WorkPeriods.
The Mbos included in the Calendar package are:
-- A calendar is defined by a start date, an end date, and the shift to be worked. You can apply one or more shifts to the same calendar. You can also designate non-working time and holidays in a calendar. A single calendar can be referenced by any number of labor, craft, or equipment records.
-- Shift is defined by the start time and end time to specify the working time. You can apply shifts to calendars in a specified date range. If you are creating a new calendar, you must save the calendar record before you can apply a shift.
-- you can apply holiday time to calendar days. When a holiday is applied to a day on a calendar, that day's Work Hours field value becomes "0.00".
--ShiftPatternDay is defined by the number of the days in a week the shift is ranged. Typically most shift patterns would use a 7-day pattern with a Sunday start day, or a pattern that uses multiples of 7's, such as a 14 or 21 days, with a Monday start day. In some companies there are unique circumstances where a 5-day pattern may be used.
-- A work period is a record that represents a specific block of working time (including non-working days and holidays) applied to a given date.
Labor object
-- Calendar can be used to check the labor availability
on a particular date.
Equipment object
-- Calendar can be used to check the actual
downtime for a piece of equipment.
WO object
-- Calendar determines the shift in which the work to be
PM object
-- Calendar determines the shift in which the PM work to be
Last updated: 01/09/01