Attribute Name | Description
SKDLENGTH | Duration of the operating schedule. The asset will be unavailable for maintenance during its operating schedule.
STARTDATE | Start Date
ENDDATE | End Date
NOTES | Short field in which you can add notes about the schedule.
DAY | Repeats the task once every number of days you specify, for example, once every seven days.
DAYTIME | Time of day to repeat the task, for example, once every seven days at 2:00 AM. Follow the time with a space and then AM or PM.
HOUR | Repeats the task after the number of hours you specify.
HOURMINUTE | Minute on the hour to repeat the task, for example, every hour on minute 15.
MINUTE | Repeats the task after the number of minutes you specify.
MONTH | Repeats the task once every number of months you specify, for example, once every three months.
MONTHDAYTIME | Time of day to repeat the task, for example, every three months on the 15th of the month at 2:00 AM. Follow the time with a space and then AM or PM.
MONTHFIRST | Repeats the task once on either the first or last specified weekday of the month, for example, on the first Sunday of the month.
MONTHWEEKDAY | Day of week to repeat the task, if you schedule the task for a specific day in a month. For example, the first Sunday of the month.
MONTHWEEKTIME | Day of week to repeat the task, if you schedule the task for a specific day in a month. For example, the first Sunday of the month.
MONTHDAY | Repeats the task after the number of hours you specify.
PATTERN | String representation of the format
PREVIEW | Preview the dates
RADIOMONTH | Radio button group on month
RADIOYEAR | Radio button group on year
REPEAT | Radio button group for repeat
WEEK | Repeats the task once every number of weeks you specify, for example, every two weeks.
WEEKDAY | Day of the week to repeat the task, for example, every two weeks on Sunday.
WEEKTIME | Day of the week to repeat the task, for example, every two weeks on Sunday.
YEAR | Repeats the task once every number of years you specify, for example, every two years.
YEARFIRST | Repeats the task once on either the first or last specified weekday of the year, for example, on the first Sunday of the year.
YEARMONTH | Repeats the task on the month you specify, every X number of years.
YEARMONTHDAY | Repeats the task on the day of the month you specify, every X number of years.
YEARMONTHTIME | Time of day to repeat the task, for example, every 2 years on January 1st at 12:00 AM. Follow the time with a space and then AM or PM.
YEARWEEKDAY | Day of week to repeat the task, for example, the first Sunday of the year.
YEARWEEKTIME | Day of week to repeat the task, for example, the first Sunday of the year.
SKDTYPE | Type of the schedule.