Attribute Name | Description
AcceptanceLoss | Liable for acceptance loss?
AcceptPeriod | Acceptance period in days.
AddLinesOnUse | Can additional lines be added to purchase document with contract reference.
CanExceedVolume | Can the specified maximum volume be exceeded?
ChgPriceOnUse | Can price be changed on the line with contract reference.
ChgQtyOnUse | Can quantity be changed on line with contract reference.
ContractNum | Contract Number. This is one of the key fields. Each ContractNum need not be unique. Every new revision of the same contract will carry the same contract number.
ContractPurchId | Unique identifier for every ContractPurch row.
CreateRel | Flag indicating if a Release PO can be created from the contract.
DeliveryLoss | Flag to indicate if there is a liability for delivery loss.
EnforceBundle | Bundle enforced?
MaxRelVol | Maximum Release Volume.
MaxVol | Maximum Volume.
OrgId | Identifier of the organization for this Purchase Order.
RevisionNum | Revision number of the contract.
ShippingLoss | Liable for shipping loss?