Interface | Description |
ContractSFWRemote |
Remote Interface to the Software Contract object.
ContractSFWSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Software Contracts.
ContractSWLicRemote |
Remote Interface to the ContractSWLic object.
ContractSWLicSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ContractSWLic.
NamedUsersRemote |
Remote Interface to the NamedUsers object.
NamedUsersSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of NamedUsers.
SFWLineRemote |
Remote Interface to the SFWLine object.
SFWLineSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ContractLine.
SFWViewLineRemote |
Remote Interface to the ContractLine object.
SFWViewLineSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of ContractLine.
SFWViewRemote |
Remote Interface to the Software Contract View object.
SFWViewSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Software Contracts.
Class | Description |
ContractSFW |
MBO object to represent the ContractSW table.
ContractSFWSet |
Represents the set of Software Contracts .
ContractSWLic |
MBO object to represent the ContractSWLic table.
ContractSWLicSet |
Represents the set of ContractSWLic objects.
FldCommonCurrencyCode |
Common field validation class for : CurrencyCode
extends FldCurrencyCode in CURRENCY package which handles the base validation
for currencycode.
FldNamedUsersAssetNum | |
FldNamedUsersLocation | |
FldNamedUsersPersonID |
Field validation class for the PERSONID attribute of the NAMEDUSERS object.
FldSFWViewContractNum | |
FldSFWViewContractType |
Displays a list of all external contract types with an internal contract type of 'SWCONTRACT','ENTERPRISE','OEM','RETAIL','SELECT','SUBSCRIPTION'.
FldSFWViewCreateRel |
Field validation class for the createrel field of the SWView object.
NamedUsers |
MBO object to represent the NamedUsers table.
NamedUsersSet |
Represents the set of NamedUsers objects.
SFWLine |
MBO to represent a Software Contract Line in the MAXIMO System.
SFWLineSet |
Represents the set of Software Contract Lines .
SFWView |
MBO object to represent the view containing the Contract and the Software Contract tables.
SFWViewLine | |
SFWViewLineSet |
Represents the set of Purchase Contracts .
SFWViewSet |
Represents the set of Software Contract View objects.
SFWViewStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for a purchase contract view object.This is a helper class
and extends from the CommonContractStatusHandler.