See: Description
Interface | Description |
AccountDefaultsRemote |
Remote Interface to the AccountDefaults object.
AccountDefaultsSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of AccountDefaults.
AccountRemote |
Remote Interface to the Account(CartOfAccounts) object.
AccountSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Account(ChartOfAccounts).
CompanyAccDefRemote |
Remote Interface to the CompanyAccDef object.
CompanyAccDefSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of CompanyAccDef.
FinancialPeriodsRemote |
Remote Interface to the FinancialPeriods object.
FinancialPeriodsSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of FinancialPeriods.
FinancialServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the FinancialService object.
FinControlRemote |
Remote Interface to the FinControl object.
FinControlSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of FinControl.
GLComponentsRemote |
Remote Interface to the GLComponents object.
GLComponentsSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of GLComponents.
GLConfigureRemote |
Remote Interface to the GLConfigure object.
GLConfigureSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of GLConfigure.
TaxOrderRemote |
Remote Interface to the TaxOrder object.
TaxOrderSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of TaxOrder.
TaxRemote |
Remote Interface to the Tax object.
TaxSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Tax.
TaxTypeRemote |
Remote Interface to the TaxType object.
TaxTypeSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of TaxType.
Class | Description |
Account |
Mbo object to represent ChartOfAccounts.
AccountDefaults |
Mbo object to represent AccountDefaults.
AccountDefaultsSet |
Represents the set of AccountDefaults objects.
AccountSet |
Represents the set of Account(ChartOfAccounts) objects.
CompanyAccDef |
Mbo object to represent CompanyAccDef.
CompanyAccDefSet |
Represents the set of CompanyAccDef objects.
FinancialPeriods |
Mbo object to represent FinancialPeriods.
FinancialPeriodsSet |
Represents the set of FinancialPeriods.
FinancialService |
Mbo object to represent FinancialService.
FinControl |
Mbo object to represent FinCntrl.
FinControlSet |
Represents the set of FinControl.
FldAccountDefaultsGLDefault |
AccountDefaults.gldefault validation class: The field value is validated based on
whether it requires a full or a partial GL Account, based on the dfltgroup value.
FldAccountDefaultsGroupValue |
AccountDefaults.groupvalue validation class: Validates if the entered value is valid based
on the associated dfltgroup.
FldChartOfAcctActive | validation class: Validate the active attribute on the Account(ChartOfAccounts)
FldChartOfAcctActiveDate |
Validation class for ChartOfAccount.ActiveDate.
FldChartOfAcctDate |
common class for ChartOfAccount Active and Expire Date.
FldChartOfAcctExpireDate |
Validation class for ChartOfAccount.ExpireDate.
FldChartOfAcctGLAcct |
Account.glaccount validation class: This class validates that the account code entered is
fully specified and made up of valid components.
FldFinControlEndDate |
FinCntrl.enddate validation class: Validates that if there is a start date, the end date
should be greater than the start date.
FldFinControlParentFCID |
FinCntrl.parentfcid validation class: This class validates that the value entered is a valid
fincntrlid belonging to a valid project or task.
FldFinControlParentProjectID |
FinCntrl.parentprojectid(non-persistant attribute) validation class: ParentProjectID is a
non-persistent field which is used to attach a parent financial control identifier(parentfincntrlid)
to the current mbo.
FldFinControlParentTaskID |
FinCntrl.parenttaskid(non-persistant attribute) validation class: ParentTaskID is a
non-persistent field which is used to attach a parent financial control identifier(parentfincntrlid)
to the current mbo.
FldFinControlProjectID |
FinCntrl.projectid validation class: Validates that the entered project identifier is unique and
does not already exist in the database.
FldFinControlStartDate |
FinCntrl.startdate validation class: Validates that if there is a end date, the start date
should be before than the end date.
FldFinControlWonum |
Behaviour of the work order field in the FinControl object.
FldFinPerCloseDate |
FinancalPeriods.closedate validation class: This class does some sequential validation of
FldFinPerPeriodCloseDate |
FinancalPeriods.periodclosedate validation class: This class does some sequential validation of
FldFinPerPeriodEnd |
FinancalPeriods.periodend validation class: This class validates that the end date is after the
start date.
FldFinPerPeriodStart |
FinancalPeriods.periodstart validation class: This class validates that the start date is before
the end date.
FldFullGLAccount |
Field level validation for a fully specified GL account.
FldGLCompCompValue |
GLComponents.compvalue validation class: This class validates that the component value entered
here is valid, i.e.
FldGLCompSegmentName |
GLComponents.segmentname (non-persistent attribute) validation class: This is a non persistent
field primarily used by the GL Navigator dialog box to display the combo box with the
segment names.
FldGLConfigureDelimiter |
Validation of "delimiter" attribute on GLConfigure.
FldGLConfigureGLLength |
Behavior of gllength in the GLConfigure object.
FldGLConfigureGLType |
Behavior of the "GLType" attribute in the GLConfigure object.
FldGLConfigureMandatory |
Behavior of the "Mandatory" attribute in the GLConfigure object.
FldPartialGLAccount |
Field level validation for a partially specified GL account.
FldTaxCode |
Common Validation Class for: Tax1Code, Tax2Code, Tax3Code, Tax4Code, Tax5Code
This common class validates value against the TAX table by the
combination of taxcode and typecode.
FldTaxEffective |
Tax.effective validation class: This class validates the combination of effective, taxcode
and typecode for uniqueness.
FldTaxOrderTaxOrder |
TaxOrder table TaxOrder field validation validation class.
FldTaxTaxCode |
Tax.taxcode validation class: This class validates the combination of taxcode, typecode
and effictive date for uniqueness.
FldTaxTypeCode |
Validates the entered tax type code against the TaxType table, i.e.
GLComponents |
Mbo object to represent GLComponents.
GLComponentsSet |
Represents the set of GLComponents objects.
GLConfigure |
Mbo object to represent GLConfigure.
GLConfigureSet |
Represents the set of GLConfigure objects.
Tax |
Mbo object to represent Tax.
TaxOrder |
Mbo object to represent TaxOrder
TaxOrder object defines tax rule hierarchy.
TaxOrderSet |
Represents the set of TaxOrder objects.
TaxSet |
Represents the set of Tax objects.
TaxType |
Mbo object to represent TaxType.
TaxTypeSet |
Represents the set of TaxType objects.
The MBOs included in the Financial package are:
-- Account (Chart of Accounts) object represents the General Ledger (GL)
account in a MAXIMO system. MAXIMO can be configured to use the existing GL accounts defined in the user's
financial system. Thus, two systems can work interactively on the same account structure. A GL account is made
up of one or more components that have to be defined in the system. Based on the configuration settings, an
account needs to be validated before using it. In addition to validating that the entered Account is present
in the Chart of Accounts, and all the components used are valid, an Account can be fully or partially specified.
Fully specified means that all the required components should be specified or filled in. In case of partially
specified Account, if the required components are not filled in, placeholders are used. The formatting of the
Account is handled by the class GLFormat
-- AccountDefaults contains the default General Ledger (GL)
accounts that are associated to specific columns in the database and are used in different financial transactions.
Examples of these accounts are:
Account Type | Description |
EXLABREC | External Labor Control Accounts -- Used as the credit account for any external labor transaction such as when external labor (contract) usages on work order is reported. Default accounts are set up by the external labor's vendor e.g. BEARING, BURSAW, HELWIG, etc; |
INTTOOLREC | Internal Tools Control Accounts -- Used as a credit account for any internal tool transaction e.g. when internal tool usage on a work order it reported. One default account is set up for all internal tools. |
EXTOOLREC | External Tools Control Accounts -- Used as the credit account for any external tool transaction such as when external tool usages on a work order is required. Default accounts are set up by the external tool's vendor e.g. ANSUL, ALMAR, BWC, etc; |
LABRESCODE | Labor Resource Code -- The labor resource component of the debit account in a transaction. Example is when a work order requiring a labor code is written, the work order's line item includes the labor resource account component in the debit GL account code. You can set up one resource code for inside labor (Outside=N) and one for external labor (Outside=Y). |
TOOLRESCODE | Tool Resource Codes -- The tool resource component of the debit account in a transaction e.g. when a work order requiring a tool is written, the work order's line item includes the tool resource account component in the debit GL Account code. You can set up one resource code for internal tools (Outside=N) and one for external tools (Outside=Y). |
INVRESCODE | Inventory Resource Codes -- The inventory resource component of the debit account in a transaction such as, when a work order requiring an inventory item is written, the work order's line item includes the inventory resource account component in the debit GL account code. You can set up inventory resource codes by item type e.g. BELTS, FITTINGS, MOTOR, etc; |
-- CompanyAccDef contains the default General Ledger
accounts that are associated to the different types of companies in the MAXIMO system.
Examples of these accounts are:
Account Type | Description |
RBNIACC | Received But Not Invoiced Account -- Used to account for materials and services that have been received but not invoiced. When an item is received into inventory, RBNI is the credit account. When the invoice for that item is approved, RBNI is the debit account for the invoice TOTAL transaction. |
APCONTROLACC | Accounts Payable Control Account -- Used in the interface with an external accounts payable system. The AP control account holds the value of the invoices to be paid with the external system. For the INVOICE type of transactions written on invoice approval, the AP control account is the credit account and the AP suspense account is the debit account. |
APSUSPENSEACC | Accounts Payable Suspense Account -- This account holds the value of the invoices which have been approved, but not paid. When the invoice is approved, AP suspense account is the credit account for the invoice TOTAL transaction and the RBNI is the debit account. |
-- The FinancialPeriods object represents the period
within which a financial transaction occurs. All MAXIMO transactions can be set up to have a financial period
stamp when they are generated. This means they must occur during an open, valid financial period. The format
of the financial period is determined by the requirements of the accounting system to which MAXIMO interfaces.
Financial periods are ordered sequentially by date, with no time gaps and overlaps between periods. For example,
if you change the any of the dates, all the surrounding dates are adjusted to prevent any time gaps or overlaps.
-- GLComponents object is associated with defining valid
component values for General Ledger (GL) account codes. If the GL validation is turned on, the user has to use
the defined GLComponents to create a GL account. If the component is disabled, it can no longer be used to
create new account codes, and existing GL accounts using this component are also disabled. GLComponents can only
be defined based on the GL configuration information.
-- GLConfigure contains the configuration information for the
GL account codes, which is used for their basic formatting. Each GL account code is represented by a number of
distinct components (also called segments). GLConfigure defines how the format of these account sode should be
set up, such as:
-- Tax object defines tax codes for MAXIMO to use in calculating the amount of
tax that is due on a PR, RFQ, PO, or invoice. You can define up to five different tax types, each of which
can have any number of tax codes. Each tax code defines the tax rate and the date from which it is effective.
Yo can specify one tax code multiple times but the effective date must be different. The using application will
pick the first one it finds with a valid effective date. For each tax code you can specify default GL accounts
for Paid taxes (paid to the vendor) and Unpaid taxes (yet to be paid direct to the government). These accounts
are only for use in the Invoice application.
-- MAXIMO categorizes tax codes into five different tax types which
are represented by TaxType object. Each TaxType can have mulitiple tax codes. A TaxType would correspond to city,
state, and federal taxes. As in the case of tax codes, for each TaxType you can specify default GL accounts
for Paid taxes (paid to the vendor) and Unpaid taxes (yet to be paid direct to the government). These accounts
are only for use in the Invoice application.Other classes included in the Financial package are:
-- Service class for the package.Last updated: March 26, 2002
Updated by: Aman Thakur