MBO representing an Asscociated Company Commodity
The attributes in this object are as follows:
Attribute Name Description
CompCommoditySet |
Represents a set of Company Commodities
FldAltItemAltItemNum |
Invbalances.itemNum action/validation performs the following:
-ensures the entered itemnum value exists in the Item object.
FldAssetAssetType |
Validates the asset type
FldAssetLocCommAssetNum |
Behaviour of the asset field in the assetloccomm object
FldAssetLocCommLocation |
Behaviour of the location field in the assetloccomm object
FldCommodityCode |
FldCommodityOwner |
FldCommodityOwnerGroup |
FldCommodityServiceType |
FldInvHazardHazardId |
Behaviour of the hazard field in the InvHazard object.
FldInvHazardItemNum |
Behaviour of the itemNum field in the InvHazard object.
FldInvHazardOrgId |
Behaviour of the orgId field in the InvHazard object.
FldInvTaxCodeOrgId |
Behaviour of the orgId field in the InvTaxCode object.
FldInvVendorAvgDeliveryTime |
FldInvVendorAvgDeliveryTime is a non-persistent field in InvVendor
AvgDeliveryTime is the average time it took the vendor to deliver the items ordered
on the purchase order.
FldInvVendorContractNum |
FldInvVendorContractNum is a non-persistent field in InvVendor.
FldInvVendorIsDefault |
Field validation class for INVVENDOR.ISDEFAULT
FldInvVendorLastDeliveryTime |
FldInvVendorLastDeliveryTime is a non-persistent field in InvVendor.
FldInvVendorManufacturer |
Behaviour of the manufacturer field in the InvVendor object.
FldInvVendorNoOfCompletePOs |
FldInvVendorNoOfCompletePOs is a non-persistent field in InvVendor
NoOfCompletePOs represents the total number of POs that contain lines
whose receipts are complete and have the matching itemnum, manufaturer, modelnum, catalogcode
FldInvVendorOrgId |
Verifies that an active organization
is associated with this InvVendor.
FldInvVendorPercentOnTime |
FldInvVendorPercentOnTime is a non-persistent field in InvVendor.
FldInvVendorPercentRejected |
FldInvVendorPercentRejected is a non-persistent field in InvVendor.
FldInvVendorPercentRejectedYTD |
FldInvVendorPercentRejectedYTD is a non-persistent field in InvVendor.
FldInvVendorQtyReceived |
FldInvVendorQtyReceived is a non-persistent field in InvVendor
FldInvVendorQtyReceived represents the total received quantity from the polines for this
vendor, itemnum, itemsetid, manufacturer, modelnum and catalogcode combination.
FldInvVendorQtyReceivedYTD |
FldInvVendorQtyReceivedYTD is a non-persistent field in InvVendor
FldInvVendorQtyReceivedYTD represents the total quantity received YTD for this
vendor, itemnum, itemsetid, manufacturer, modelnum and catalogcode combination..
FldInvVendorQtyRejected |
FldInvVendorQtyRejected is a non-persistent field in InvVendor.
FldInvVendorQtyRejectedYTD |
FldInvVendorQtyRejectedYTD is a non-persistent field in InvVendor.
FldInvVendorSiteId |
Validates that the entered siteid is unique,is in the organization
FldInvVendorVendor |
Behaviour of the vendor field in the InvVendor object
also copy crossover fields from companies to the invvendor record
FldItemAttachOnIssue |
Behavior of the AttachOnIssue field of the Item object
FldItemClassStructureid |
Behaviour of the classstructureid field in the Item object
FldItemCommodityCode |
FldItemCommodityGrp |
FldItemConditionCommodity |
FldItemConditionCommodityGroup |
FldItemConditionConditionCode |
Field validation class for ItemCondition.Condition for associating condition codes with an item.
FldItemConditionCondRate |
ItemCondition.CondRate validation, ensure values 1-100 & only one-and-only-one 100 cond rate
for a given item.
FldItemConditionEnabled |
Behavior of the ConditionEnabled of the Item object
FldItemHasIAS |
Behaviour of the classificationdi field
FldItemHazardid |
Behaviour of the hazard field in the Item object
FldItemInstance |
Behaviour of the classificationdi field
FldItemIsKit |
Behaviour associated with the Item IsKit field
FldItemItemStructItemnum |
ItemStruct.ItemNum field class.
FldItemLotType |
Behaviour associated with the Item LotType field
FldItemMeterName |
Behaviors of the MeterName attribute in the Item object
FldItemnum |
Common Validation Class for: Item.ItemNum
This class is designed to validate item numbers.
FldItemOrgInfoHazardId |
Behaviour of the hazard field in the ItemOrgInfo object.
FldItemOrgInfoItemNum |
Behaviour of the itemNum field in the ItemOrgInfo object.
FldItemOrgInfoTaxCode |
Behaviour of the tax code fields in the ItemOrgInfo object.
FldItemOrgInfoVendor |
Behaviour of the vendor field in the ItemOrgInfo object
also copy crossover fields from companies to the itemorginfo record
FldItemOrgOrgID |
FldItemRotating |
Behavior of the qty field in the MRLine object
FldItemStockType |
Behaviour associated with the Item StockType field
FldItemStructAssetnum |
Functionality for the ItemStruct.Assetnum field.(non-persistent field).
FldItemStructIASDescription |
Functionality for the ItemStruct.iasDescription field.(non-persistent field)
FldItemStructItemNum |
ItemStruct.ItemNum field validation
FldItemStructLocation |
Functionality for the ItemStruct.locationt field.(non-persistent field)
FldItemStructOrgID |
Functionality for the ItemStruct.OrgID field.(non-persistent field)
FldItemStructParent |
ItemStruct.parent field validation
FldItemTaxcodes |
Behaviour of the Taxcodes field in the Item object
FldItemTaxExempt |
Behaviour of the Taxexempt field in the Item object
FldStatus |
Behavior of the status field in the item object.
InvVendor |
Mbo object to represent Inventory Vendor.
InvVendorSet |
Represents the set of InvVendor.
Item |
MBO object to represent an item.
ItemCondition |
Mbo object to represent ItemCondition.
ItemConditionSet |
Represents the set of Itemcondition.
ItemOrgInfo |
MBO to represent an ItemOrgInfo object.
ItemOrgInfoSet |
ItemOrgStatus |
Mbo to represent ItemOrgStatus object.
ItemOrgStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for an ItemOrgInfo object.
ItemOrgStatusSet |
Set of item status objects
ItemService |
ItemSet |
Represents the set of Items.
ItemSpec |
Mbo object to represent Item Specification.
ItemSpecSet |
Represents the set of ItemSpecs.
ItemStatus |
Mbo to represent ItemStatus object.
ItemStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for an Item object.
ItemStatusSet |
Set of item status objects
ItemStruct |
Mbo object to represent ItemStruct.
ItemStructSet |
Represents the set of ItemStructs.
ToolItem |
The MBO to represent a tool as an item (view of the item where itemtype='TOOL').
ToolItemSet |
Represents the Mbo set of ToolItem.
The Item package includes MAXIMO Business Objects related to items.
This package deals with generic information about items that is not specific to a
particular storeroom, that is information universal to an item no matter
where it is. These objects facilitate the addition, modification and deletion of
rotating and non-rotating items; the classification of items by class structure(
a hierarchy of classes and attributes) and by stock type; the cataloging of available
vendor - manufacturer - modelnum combinations for the item; the creation of Item
Assembly Structures, or hierarchies of items(not necessarily rotating);and the identification
of alternate items.
Package Specification
The MBOs included in the Item package are:
-- Identifies those items that are
alternative to/interchangeable with a given item.An alternate item can be added only when there is
an item that owns it.
-- Describes attributes that pertain
to specific itemnum,vendor, manufacturer and modelnum combinations. Each Inventory
object defaults to one of these combinations. The default InvVendor information is
also stored in the Inventory object in the itemnum, vendor, manufacturer and
modelnum attributes and is considered to be the primary vendor.
-- Describes attributes that pertain to items
regardless of item location; Such generic information includes the item
description and stock type, and whether or not the item is rotating; This object
also facilitates the addition, modification and deletion of items.
-- Classifies items via a specification
hierarchy that incorporates up to five classification levels and as many attributes
as necessary to describe the class structure. If none of the attribute values are
modified from within the item object, then the class structure information comes from
the ClassSpec table. If any attribute values have been modified, then all of the
attribute values are stored in the ItemSpec table.
-- Handles the creation of Item
Assembly Structures and their application to equipment or operating locations.
IAS is a hierarchical arrangement of parts or items. IAS are typically built so that the
hierarchical structure of a group of inventory items can be specified once and used as a template
to insert partial or entire location or equipment hierarchies.In order to apply IAS, the
top level item must be a piece of rotating equipment.
-- Service class for the package.
Constructs a SQL statement against the InvVendor table for the
Inventory, POLine or MatRecTrans objects based on the InvVendor attributes passed;
determines whether an item is rotating or non-rotating, lotted or not lotted and
valid or invalid; and applies the commodity authorization rule to determine if the
user's group has authorization to view and/or use the item.
Related Documentation:
Last updated: Tuesday, March 26, 2002