Interface | Description |
MaxLicAppsRemote | |
MaxLicAppsSetRemote | |
MaxLicenseRemote |
MboRemote class for MAXLICENSE table.
MaxLicenseSetRemote |
MboSetRemote class for MAXLICENSE table.
MaxLicMonitorServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxLicMonitorService object.
MaxLicPrdKeyListSetRemote | |
MaxLicPurchDetRemote | |
MaxLicPurchDetSetRemote | |
MaxLicStatusRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxLicStatus object.
MaxLicStatusSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MaxUserStatus.
MaxLicUserAscRemote | |
MaxLicUserAscSetRemote | |
MaxProdAppRemote | |
MaxProdAppSetRemote |
Class | Description |
FldAppNameMaxLicApps | |
FldAppNameProdApp | |
FldLicenseNumMaxUserAssoc |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PRDNAME column.
FldLicQtyMaxLicense |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PRDNAME column.
FldLicTypeMaxLicense |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PRDNAME column.
FldMainDateMaxLicPurchDet |
Field validation class file on MAXLICPURCHDET.MAINRENEWALDATE column.
FldModuleMaxLicApps | |
FldPrdnameMaxLicApps |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PRDNAME column.
FldPrdnameMaxLicense |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PRDNAME column.
FldPrdNameMaxLicPrdKeyList |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PRDNAME column.
FldPurchByMaxLicPurchDet |
Field validation class file on MAXLICPURCHDET.PURCHASEDBY column.
FldPurchDateMaxLicPurchDet |
Field validation class file on MAXLICPURCHDET.PURCHASEDDATE column.
FldQtyMaxLicPurchDet |
Field validation class file on MAXLICPURCHDET.QUANTITY column.
FldRespPerMaxLicense |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PERSON column.
FldUserIdMaxUserAssoc |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.PRDNAME column.
FldVendorMaxLicense |
Field validation class file on MAXLICENSE.VENDOR column.
MasUserAnalyzerCronTask | |
MaxLicApps | |
MaxLicAppsSet | |
MaxLicense |
Mbo class for MAXLICENSE table.
MaxLicenseSet |
MboSet class for MAXLICENSE table.
MaxLicenseUtils | |
MaxLicHoldTopUsers |
Mbo object to represent MaxLicStatus, a historical log of user status changes.
MaxLicMonitorService |
A Service class that contains general purpose methods related to LUM.
MaxLicPrdKeyList | |
MaxLicPrdKeyListSet | |
MaxLicPurchDet | |
MaxLicPurchDetSet | |
MaxLicStatus |
Mbo object to represent MaxLicStatus, a historical log of user status changes.
MaxLicStatusHandler |
Handles all the status changes for a MaxLicense object
MaxLicStatusSet |
Represents the set of MaxLicStatus.
MaxLicUserAsc | |
MaxLicUserAscSet | |
MaxProdApp | |
MaxProdAppSet | |
MXUserAppLogWriter |
This class is used to log which all the applications a user used.
UserAnalyzerCronTask |