Attribute Name | Description
CatalogCode | Vendor's catalog code for the item.
DeliveryDate, DeliveryTime | Delivery date; delivery lead time.
Description | Item Description.
EnterBy, EnterDate | The person who entered this quotation line; date and time when quotation line was entered.
EOQ | Economic order quantity.
GLCreditAcct | GL Credit Account.
IsAwarded | Is the quotation awarded?
ItemNum | Item number.
LDKey | Long Description Key. This is a link to text stored in the LongDescription table.
LineCost | Extended or lump sum cost of this transaction line.
LineCost2 | Base currency line cost 2.
LineType | The type of quotation line. It could be ITEM, MATERIAL or SERVICE type.
Manufacturer | Company that manufactured item.
Memo | Notes/Comments about quote. Could be from vendor or written by buyer.
ModelNum | Vendor model number.
OrderQty | Order quantity.
OrderUnit | Order unit.
OrgID | Identifier of the organization for this quotation line.
QuotationLineId | Internal quotation line identifier.
QuoteEndDate | End date of period when quote is valid.
QuoteStartDate | Start date of period when quote is valid.
RFQLineNum | RFQ line item number.
RFQNum | Request for Quotation (RFQ) Number.
SelectedForDisplay | Quotation line selected for display?
SiteID | Identifier of the site for this quotation line.
Tax1....TaxN | Amount of tax due on line item levied by Tax-N-Code column.
TaxNCode | Tax code used for calculation of TaxN column.
UnitCost | Unit cost.
Vendor | Vendor company.
VendorPackCode | The pack code of the product. It is the code of how the items will be packed. For example, BOX (12 to a box) or PALLET (30 to a pallet).
VendorPackQuantity | The quantity of the pack code. For example, pack code is box, pack quantity is 12.
VendorWareHouse | Vendor warehouse that the product will come from.