See: Description
Interface | Description |
HazardPrecRemote |
Remote Interface to the HazardPrec object.
HazardPrecSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of HazardPrec.
HazardRemote |
Remote Interface to the Hazard object.
HazardSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Hazard.
LockOutRemote |
Remote Interface to the LockOut object.
LockOutSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of LockOut.
PrecautionRemote |
Remote Interface to the Precaution object.
PrecautionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of Precaution.
SafetyLexiconRemote |
Remote Interface to the SafetyLexicon object.
SafetyLexiconSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SafetyLexicon.
SafetyPlanRemote |
Remote Interface to the SafetyPlan object.
SafetyPlanSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SafetyPlan.
SafetyServiceRemote |
Remote Interface to the SafetyService object.
SPLexiconLinkRemote |
Remote Interface to the SPLexiconLink object.
SPLexiconLinkSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SPLexiconLink.
SPRelatedAssetRemote |
Remote Interface to the SPRelatedAsset object.
SPRelatedAssetSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SPRelatedAsset.
SPWorkAssetRemote |
Remote Interface to the SPWorkAsset object.
SPWorkAssetSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of SPWorkAsset.
TagLockRemote |
Remote Interface to the TagLock object.
TagLockSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of TagLock.
TagOutRemote |
Remote Interface to the TagOut object.
TagOutSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of TagOut.
Class | Description |
FldAssetnumOrLocationOnly |
Many of the Mbos in the Safety package contain an attribute for assetnum and
and attribute for location, but allow only one of these to be non-null.
FldHazardHazMatEnabled |
If hazard.hazmatenabled, then enable entry for the hazardous material attributes.
FldHazardHazMatOnly |
Attributes that are validated using this class should be enterable only
if hazardous-material-enabled.
FldHazardId |
Generic validation of hazardid.
FldHazardPrecautionEnabled |
Validation of the PrecautionEnabled attribute on the Hazard mbo.
FldHazardTagOutEnabled |
Tagoutenabled is enterable only if hazmatenabled and precautionenabled are both false.
FldLockOutDeviceDescription |
Field validation for LockOut - DeviceDescription.
FldLockOutId |
Generic validation of lockoutid.
FldPrecautionId |
Generic validation of precautionid.
FldRelatedAssetLoc |
Field validation for RelatedAssetLoc attribute of sprelatedasset
FldSafetyLexiconHazardID |
If this SafetyLexicon is owned by Asset or Locations, then we need a lookup
for hazardid.
FldSafetyLexiconId |
Generic validation of safetylexiconid.
FldSafetyPlanId |
Generic validation class to ensure that safetyplanid is valid on safetyplan table
(safetyplanid = :safetyplanid).
FldSPLexiconLinkNonPer |
SPLexiconLink non-persistent attributes (assetnum, location, hazardid, tagoutid,
workasset, worklocation, tagoutassetnum, tagoutlocation).
FldSPSiteId |
Common Validation Class for: SiteId
FldTagLockLockOutId |
validation of lockoutid for TagLock object.
FldTagOutId |
Generic validation of tagoutid.
Hazard |
Mbo object to represent Hazard.
HazardPrec |
Mbo object to represent HazardPrec.
HazardPrecSet |
Represents the set of HazardPrec.
HazardSet |
Represents the set of Hazard.
LockOut |
Mbo object to represent LockOut.
LockOutSet |
Represents the set of LockOut.
Precaution |
Mbo object to represent Precaution.
PrecautionSet |
Represents the set of Precaution.
SafetyLexicon |
Mbo object to represent SafetyLexicon.
SafetyLexiconSet |
Represents the set of SafetyLexicon.
SafetyPlan |
Mbo object to represent SafetyPlan.
SafetyPlanSet |
Represents the set of SafetyPlan.
SafetyService |
The Safety Service is the service provided in the Safety package.
SPLexiconLink |
Mbo object to represent SPLexiconLink.
SPLexiconLinkSet |
Represents the set of SPLexiconLink.
SPRelatedAsset |
Mbo object to represent SPRelatedAsset.
SPRelatedAssetSet |
Represents the set of SPRelatedAsset.
SPWorkAsset |
Mbo object to represent SPWorkAsset.
SPWorkAssetSet |
Represents the set of SPWorkAsset.
TagLock |
Mbo object to represent TagLock.
TagLockSet |
Represents the set of TagLock.
TagOut |
Mbo object to represent TagOut.
TagOutSet |
Represents the set of TagOut.
-- Any hazard. Examples include
electrocution, dust, and excess heat. A hazard may or may not be hazardous-material enabled, precaution enabled, or tagout enabled. If the hazard is tagout enabled, then it may not be enabled for anything else.
If it is hazardous-material enabled, then one or more items
can be associated with the hazard. This is
identified on the Item
If it is precaution enabled, then it can be associated with one or more
If it is tagout enabled, then it can be associated with one or more pieces of
equipment or locations to be tagged out. This is identified on
-- A precaution is taken to attempt
to prevent a Hazard
from occurring. Examples
include wearing gloves, goggles, or a respirator. A precaution can be associated
with a hazard only if the hazard is precaution enabled.
Safety Plan
-- Identifies a safety plan. A safety
plan identifies how to prevent a hazard from occurring.
-- In an attempt to prevent a hazard, one or
more assets can be "tagged out" prior to working on the main asset.
Those that should be tagged out are identified on the
Tag-Out object. For example, if there is an electrocution hazard at a location,
then various pieces of electrical equipment may need to be
tagged out. A tagout can be associated
with a hazard only if the hazard is tagout enabled. In practice, when performing a work order, the presence of a tag on an asset indicates that procedures have been performed to ensure that it is safe to work.
-- Before physically applying a tag
indicating that it is safe to work on a piece of equipment or at a location (see
), someone must ensure that the proper
safety procedures have been followed. This is done by "locking out" other
assets. For example, if there is an electrocution hazard for a circulation fan,
circuit breakers may need to be switched off prior to working on the fan.
The circuit breakers would be identified as Lock-Outs. The asset to be locked out
can be identified by an equipment number, a location, or a device
description. The relation between
the asset to be tagged out and an
asset to be locked out is identified on
Tag-Lock Cross Reference
Safety Lexicon
-- This object is used for many
purposes. First of all, there are two kinds of SafetyLexicon mbo that exist for programming reasons only:
A hazard can be associated with one or more pieces of equipment or locations. They identify the asset where the hazard may occur. Each asset directly associated with that hazard will have an entry in Safety Lexicon with a non-null value for equipment number or location.
When the hazard is tagout enabled, a tagout ID can also be specified on the
Safety Lexicon. When a tagout ID is specified, an equipment or location can also
be specified on the same Safety Lexicon entry, but they can also be null.
When there is a tagout ID, the Safety Lexicon is associated with a
Safety Plan Work Asset
-- This object is used for
many purposes. First of all, any safety plan will also have one entry in
Safety Plan Work Asset with null equipment number and location. This entry exists
for programming reasons only. In addition, a safety plan can have additional
entries in Safety Plan Work Asset when an equipment number or location is
to be specified as a work asset. The Safety Plan Work Asset helps to identify whether the safety information will be replicated on the work order. If an equipment or location is specified, then the safety information will be replicated on the work order only if the workorder's equipment or location equals that on the Safety Plan Work Asset.
Hazard-Precaution Cross Reference
-- Cross
reference table associating Hazard
, when the hazard is
precaution enabled.
Safety Plan Lexicon Link
-- The links from
Safety Plan
or Tag Out
include Safety Plan Work Asset
Safety Plan Lexicon Link. The
Safety Plan Lexicon Link is directly associated with a Safety Plan
Work Asset and a Safety Lexicon.
Tag-Lock Cross Reference
-- This associates
an asset to be tagged out (Tag-Out
) with
assets to be locked out (Lock-Out
Safety-Related Asset
-- A cross reference table
to help the user select hazards or tagouts to be associated with a safety plan.
This is used only for the UI.
For a given equipment or location to be worked on, finds related assets and then
finds safetylexicon and hazard or tagout, from which the user can select which
to apply to the safety plan. Eventually this process updates splexiconlink.
Workorder Hazard
-- The workorder Mbo related to Hazard.
Workorder Precaution
-- The workorder Mbo related
to Precaution.
Workorder Hazard-Precaution Cross Reference
The workorder Mbo related to Hazard-Precaution Cross Reference.
Workorder Safety Link
-- The workorder Mbo related
to Safety Lexicon.
Workorder Safety Plan
-- The workorder Mbo related
to Safety Plan. A workorder can have, at most, only one safety plan.
Workorder Tag-Out
-- The workorder Mbo related to Tag-Out.
Workorder Lock-Out
-- The workorder Mbo related to
Workorder Tag-Lock Cross Reference
-- The workorder
Mbo related to Tag-Lock Cross Reference.
Job Plan / Safety Plan Cross Reference
In the jobplan package, associates a Safety Plan with a
Job Plan
Last updated: 03/15/02