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The Tool package includes MBOs that contain information about the tools used in maintenance work.

See: Description

Package Description

The Tool package includes MBOs that contain information about the tools used in maintenance work. Tool information is referenced by job plans (Job Plans application) and work orders (Work Orders and Preventive Maintenance applications).

Specific information about each tool is kept in the Tool table. Quantity, description, rate, vendor, general ledger debit account, and general ledger credit account are maintained here.

Information about each tool transaction is maintained in the ToolTrans table. When a tool is added to a workorder, the total cost for use of the tool is added to the workorder. This cost is calculated from the tool's hourly rate, quantity used, and total hours used on the workorder. This information is recorded in a ToolTrans record.

Package Specification

The MBOs included in the Tool package are:

Other classes included in the Tool package:

Related Documentation:

Last updated: Friday, February 15, 2002

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