MULTIID | Identifies the associated MULTIASSETLOCCI record
PERSONID | Defines the Person as a User or Custodian
REMOVEPERSON | Should this person be removed from the list of associated Users and Custodians?
ADDPERSON | Should this person be added to the list of associated Users and Custodians?
MODIFYPERSON | Should this person's user and custodian information be modified?
ISUSER | Identifies the original User setting for this person
WILLBEUSER | Determines if the person will become a User for the selected record
ISCUSTODIAN | Identifies the original Custodian setting for this person
WILLBECUSTODIAN | Determines if the person will become a Custodian for the selected record
ISPRIMARY | Identifies the original Primary setting for this person
WILLBEPRIMARY | Determines if the person will become a Primary for the selected record