Attribute Name | Description
Ancestor | Identifier of the workorder of Ancestor workorder.
HierarchyLevels | Number of hierarchy levels between a workorder and this Ancestor workorder.
OrgId | Identifier of the organization for this failure.
SiteId | Identifier of the site for this failure.
WoNum | Identifier of the workorder .
Work Orders may be arranged in hierarchies, however every hierarchy must have a
single work order at the top which is not owned by any other workorder. A work order can
own any number of sub work orders, but no work order may be owned by more than one parent
work order. The WoAncestor table is a scratch pad table, used by MAXIMO to quickly
determine which work orders are descendants or ancestors of a specific work order.
WoAncestors records have no unique data, and all data in this object can always be recreated
by examining WorkOrder.Parent values.
There are only three attributes of the WoAncestor object: Wonum, Ancestor, and HierarchyLevels.
An entry in this table indicates that the Ancestor owns the Wonum work order. Every work
order has at least one WoAncestor record, since every work order is thought to "own itself".
For example, if work orders Master and 1234 are outside of any work order
hierarchy, then the WoAncestor table will contain the following records:
Wonum | Ancestor | HierarchyLevels |
Master | Master | 0 |
1234 | 1234 | 0 |
When a relationship is created between work orders, it is reflected in the
WoAncestor table (as well as in the WorkOrder record itself). The WoAncestor records exist
to show which work order are under other work orders. Suppose that Master now owns
1234, the WoAncestor table would look like:
Wonum | Ancestor | HierarchyLevels |
Master | Master | 0 |
1234 | 1234 | 0 |
1234 | Master | 1 | This record is added since Master owns 1234. |
1234 still doesn't own any sub-work orders so it only appears as an ancestor
to itself. Now let us give 1234 a child, SubWo1. The updated WoAncestor table looks like this:
Wonum | Ancestor | HierarchyLevels |
Master | Master | 0 |
1234 | 1234 | 0 |
1234 | Master | 1 |
SubWo1 | SubWo1 | 0 | This was added because SubWo1 owns itself. |
SubWo1 | 1234 | 1 | This was added because 1234 owns SubWo1. |
SubWo1 | Master | 2 | Master owns 1234 which owns SubWo1, making Master an ancestor of SubWo1 |
The HierarchyLevels column indicates how close a hierarchy relationship is. 0 is the
initial record, 1 is direct ownership of one work order by another, 2 is a grandparent
relationship, etc...
WoAncestor records are used to determine whether work orders are in the same work
order hierarchy. For example, if you wanted to select all the work orders under the Master
you could use: select Wonum from WoAncestor where Ancestor = 'Master' ; This
would select Master, 1234, and SubWo1 from the table above. If you only
wanted to find the work orders which belonged to Master directly you should query on
the WorkOrder.Parent value.
MAXIMO uses the WoAncestor records to detect loops, validate choices for the Belongs
To field and Children table, and create new WoAncestor records when work order relationships
change. If the WoAncestor records are wrong or incomplete, the validation checking for work
order hierarchies will not work and the application will allow you to do logically incorrect
Also, the WoAncestor table is used like a scratch pad where records may be
temporarily deleted and recreated in a operation. This only means that after MAXIMO updates
the WoAncestor table, the records aren't necessarily the same ones which existed before the
update, even if the contents of a record is the same as what existed before. This is why this
table has no extra fields.
The combination of Wonum and Ancestor is always unique in the WoAncestor table.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface psdi.mbo.MboConstants
Constructor Summary
Constructor and Description |
WoAncestor(MboSet ms)
Your basic constructor.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class psdi.mbo.Mbo
add, addMboSetForRequiredCheck, addToDeleteForInsertList, andEvaluateConditions, appValidate, blindCopy, canDelete, checkFieldAccess, checkMethodAccess, checkMethodAccess, checkQualifiedRestriction, checkSiteOrgAccessForSave, clear, copy, copy, copy, copyFake, copyValue, copyValue, createComm, delete, delete, determineRequiredFieldsFromERM, duplicate, enableMethod, evaluateCondition, evaluateCondition, evaluateCtrlConditions, evaluateCtrlConditions, evaluateRestriction, excludeObjectForPropagate, findAllNullRequiredFields, fireEvent, generateAutoKey, generateContentUID, getAlwaysFlags, getAttrRestrictionFlag, getAttrRestrictions, getBoolean, getByte, getBytes, getCheckpoint, getClientLocale, getClientTimeZone, getCommLogOwnerNameAndUniqueId, getCondition, getDatabaseValue, getDate, getDeleteForInsertList, getDocLinksCount, getDomainFilterWhere, getDomainIDs, getDouble, getESId, getExistingMboSet, getFetchIndex, getFieldExceptions, getFlags, getFloat, getIgnoreLockCheck, getInitialValue, getInsertCompanySetId, getInsertItemSetId, getInsertOrganization, getInsertOrgForSite, getInsertSite, getInstanciatedMboSet, getInstanciatedMboValue, getInt, getIntegrationService, getKeyValue, getLanguageRecordRowStamp, getLinesRelationship, getList, getLockedByDisplayName, getLockedByUserID, getLong, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttrs, getMaxMessage, getMboCtx, getMboData, getMboDataSet, getMboForAttribute, getMboForAttributeStatic, getMboInitialValue, getMboList, getMboLogger, getMboRecordData, getMboServer, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboSetInfo, getMboValue, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueDataForDownload, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMXTransaction, getName, getOrgForGL, getOrgSiteForMaxvar, getOwner, getProfile, getPropagateKeyFlag, getProxy, getRecordIdentifer, getRecordMboName, getRelatedWhere, getRelatedWhere, getRelationshipNameToLangTable, getResourceName, getRowRestrictionFlag, getRowStamp, getRowStampObject, getSecurityLogger, getSiteOrg, getSqlLogger, getString, getString, getStringInBaseLanguage, getStringInSpecificLocale, getStringTransparent, getSynonymValueWhere, getTenantId, getThisMboSet, getTranslator, getUniqueIdentifer, getUniqueIDName, getUniqueIDValue, getUniqueLanguageIDRecord, getUserInfo, getUserName, getValidateOrder, hasFieldAccess, hasHierarchyLink, hasLockSaveRights, hasRelatedQbe, hasUniqueID, init, initFieldFlagsOnMbo, initRelationship, isApiBatchError, isAutoKeyed, isBasedOn, isChangeByUserWhenSetFromLookup, isEAuditFieldModified, isESigFieldModified, isFlagSet, isForDM, isLocked, isLocked, isLockedByMe, isMasterTenant, isMboLockedByMe, isModified, isModified, isNew, isNoSql, isNull, isOptionGranted, isSelected, isSkipCopyField, isValid, isZombie, lock, modify, moveFieldFlagsToMboValue, needCallInitFieldFlag, orEvaluateConditions, propagateKeyValue, removeCtx, removeRelatedSet, resolveNoSqlWhere, rollbackToCheckpoint, select, setAppDefaultValue, setApplicationError, setApplicationRequired, setAutokeyFields, setCopyDefaults, setDefaultValue, setDefaultValues, setDeleted, setEAuditFieldModified, setESId, setESigFieldModified, setFetchIndex, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlags, setFlag, setFlag, setFlags, setForDM, setHierarchyLink, setIgnoreRecordLockCheck, setLangCodeDefault, setMboCtx, setMLValue, setModified, setModifiedForIntegrationOnly, setNewMbo, setNoSql, setPropagateKeyFlag, setPropagateKeyFlag, setProxy, setReadonlyWhenParentIsReadonly, setReferencedMbo, setReferencedMbo, setResolveNoSqlWhere, setResourceName, setUniqueIDValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValueFromSequence, setValueNull, setValueNull, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigOptionAccessAuthorized, smartFill, smartFind, smartFind, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectNameDirect, startCheckpoint, thisToBeUpdated, toBeAdded, toBeDeleted, toBeSaved, toBeUpdated, toBeValidated, undelete, unlock, unselect, useDataSecurity, validate, validateAttributes, validateKeyUniqueness, valueChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface psdi.mbo.MboRemote
add, addMboSetForRequiredCheck, addToDeleteForInsertList, blindCopy, checkMethodAccess, clear, copy, copy, copy, copyFake, copyValue, copyValue, createComm, delete, delete, duplicate, evaluateCondition, evaluateCtrlConditions, evaluateCtrlConditions, excludeObjectForPropagate, generateAutoKey, getBoolean, getByte, getBytes, getCommLogOwnerNameAndUniqueId, getDatabaseValue, getDate, getDeleteForInsertList, getDocLinksCount, getDomainIDs, getDouble, getExistingMboSet, getFlags, getFloat, getIgnoreLockCheck, getInitialValue, getInsertCompanySetId, getInsertItemSetId, getInsertOrganization, getInsertSite, getInt, getKeyValue, getLinesRelationship, getList, getLockedByDisplayName, getLong, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttr, getMatchingAttrs, getMaxMessage, getMboData, getMboDataSet, getMboInitialValue, getMboList, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboSet, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueData, getMboValueDataForDownload, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMboValueInfoStatic, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMXTransaction, getName, getOrgForGL, getOrgSiteForMaxvar, getOwner, getPropagateKeyFlag, getRecordIdentifer, getSiteOrg, getString, getString, getStringInBaseLanguage, getStringInSpecificLocale, getStringTransparent, getThisMboSet, getUniqueIDName, getUniqueIDValue, getUserInfo, getUserName, hasHierarchyLink, hasLockSaveRights, isAutoKeyed, isBasedOn, isFlagSet, isForDM, isLocked, isLocked, isMasterTenant, isMboLockedByMe, isModified, isModified, isNew, isNull, isOptionGranted, isSelected, isZombie, lock, propagateKeyValue, rollbackToCheckpoint, select, setApplicationError, setApplicationRequired, setAutokeyFields, setCopyDefaults, setDeleted, setESigFieldModified, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlag, setFieldFlags, setFlag, setFlag, setFlags, setForDM, setIgnoreRecordLockCheck, setMLValue, setModified, setNewMbo, setPropagateKeyFlag, setPropagateKeyFlag, setReferencedMbo, setReferencedMbo, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValue, setValueNull, setValueNull, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigopGranted, sigOptionAccessAuthorized, smartFill, smartFind, smartFind, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectName, smartFindByObjectNameDirect, startCheckpoint, thisToBeUpdated, toBeAdded, toBeDeleted, toBeSaved, toBeUpdated, toBeValidated, undelete, unlock, unselect, validate, validateAttributes
- Detail:
- Field |
- Constr |
- Method