Attribute Name | Description
ChangeBy | The username who initiated the job.
CompJobNum | The job number.
DMCompJobID | Unique ID
EndDate | The time the job completed.
ObjectName | The object currently being processed.
At the end of a successful run, this will be null.
PkgDefName | The package containing the object structures to be compared.
RemoteTargetName | The remote database.
Source | The source (local) database.
StartDate | The time the job started.
Status | See DMCOMPJOBSTATUS domain.
- SUBMITTED = The job has been requested but not started.
- INPROGRESS = The job is currently running.
- COMPLETE = The job completed without errors.
- DELETE = The job is to be deleted in a background process.
- ERROR = The job completed with errors. If logging is enabled for DM Service
(log4j.logger.maximo.service.DM), refer to the log for details.
The last object being procesed is specified in DMCompJob.ObjectName.