Class | Description |
DMActionProcess |
Represents class to process action.
DMCalendarProcess |
Represents class to process calendar data from external system.
DMCfgGroupProcess |
Represents class to process dmcfggroup.
DMCommtmpltProcess |
Represents class to Commtemplate.
DMCronTaskProcess |
Represents class to process crontaskdef data from external system.
DMCTRLGrpProcess |
Represents class to process DMCTRLGROUP mos in Deployment manager.
DMDbInfoObjectViewOutProcess |
Represents class to DMDBINFORELATION mos.
DMDbInfoObjViewProcess |
Represents class to process DMDBINFORELATION mos in Deployment manager.
DMDocTypesProcess |
Represents class to process doc types data .
DMEscProcess |
ESCNOTIFICATION wants commtemplate to be active.For new commtemplate
status is inactive.
DMGLProcess |
Represents class to process DMGLCONFIGURE mos in Deployment manager.
DMInboundCommCfgProcess |
Represents class to process inboundcommcfg data from external system.
DMLanguageProcess |
Represents class to process DMLANGUAGE mos in Deployment manager.
DMMaxAppsProcess |
Represents class to process MaxApps.
DMMaxClassificationProcess |
Processing Class to bring the Classification data to Tpae.
DMMaxDomainOutProcess |
Represents class to dmmaxdomain mos.Don't take internal domains.
DMMaxDomainProcess |
Represents class to process domain types data .
DMMaxExtSystemProcess |
Represents class to process maxextsystem data from external system.
DMMaxGroupOutProcess |
Outbound Definition class for maxgroup
sent out of Maximo to an external system.
DMMaxGroupProcess |
Represents class to process maxgroup data from external system.
DMMaxIntObjOutProcess |
Represents class to dmmaxintobject mos.Don't take non-configurable objects.
DMMaxIntObjProcess |
Represents class to process Maxintobject data from external system.
DMMaxLoggerProcess | |
DMMaxMenuProcess | |
DMMaxMessagesIn |
DMMaxObjOutProcess |
Represents class to maxobject mos.Don't take internal objects.
DMMaxObjProcess |
Represents class to process DMMAXOBJECT mos in Deployment manager.
DMMaxPropOutProcess |
Represents class to dmmaxprop mos.Only take global properties.
DMMaxRulesOutProcess |
Represents class to dmrules mos.
DMMaxTkTemplateProcess |
Processing class for Inbound Ticket Template Transactions into Tpae.
DMMaxUserProcess |
Represents class to process user data from external system.
DMMaxVarOutProcess |
Represents class to dmmaxvars mos..
DMMaxVarsProcess | |
DMMoutTkTemplateProcess |
Outbound Definition class for TkTemplate transactions from Tpae to an external system.
DMOrgProcess |
Represents class to process organization.
DMPackageDefProcess | |
DMPersonGroupProcess |
Represents class to process person group data from external system.
DMPersonProcess |
Represents class to process person data from external system.
DMReportsProcess |
Represents class to process dmreports data from external system.
DMShiftProcess |
Represents class to process Shift data .
DMSigOptionProcess |
Represents class to process sigoption.
DMWFProcess |
Represents class to process Workflow data .