Interface | Description |
MaxCondDetailRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxCondDetail object.
MaxIfaceConditionSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MaxIfaceCondition.
MaxIfaceProcSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MaxIfaceProc.
MaxProcColsSetRemote |
Remote Interface to the set of MaxProcCols.
MaxReplaceProcRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxReplaceProc object.
MaxTransformProcRemote |
Remote Interface to the MaxTransformProc object.
Class | Description |
FldCondCompBoolean |
Field validation for compare to boolean
FldCondCompField |
Field validation for compare to field
FldCondComponentName |
Field validation for condition gl component
FldCondCompType |
Field validation for condition compare type
FldCondCompValue |
Field validation for compare to value
FldCondCondType |
Field validation for condition type
FldCondEvalType |
Field validation for condition evaluation type
FldMboColumnName |
Field validation for mbo column name evaluation
FldMboTableName |
Field validation for mbo table name evaluation
FldProcColumnName |
Field validation for rule column name
FldProcCombineType |
Field validation for rule combine type
FldProcControlName |
Field validation for condition control name
FldProcMaxVarName |
Field validation for condition maxvar name
FldProcMessage |
Field validation for rule error message
FldProcProcType |
Field validation for rule type
FldProcRelationName |
Field validation for relation nam,e evaluation
FldProcReplaceValue |
Field validation for replace rule value
FldProcSequence |
Field validation for rule value type
FldProcSystemPropName |
Field validation for condition maxvar name
FldProcTableName |
Field validation for rule table name
FldProcValueType |
Field validation for rule value type
MaxCondDetail |
Mbo object to represent interface procs.
MaxCondDetailSet |
Represents the set of MaxCondDetail objects.
MaxIfaceCondition |
Mbo object to represent interface procs conditions.
MaxIfaceConditionSet |
Represents the set of MaxIfaceCondition objects.
MaxIfaceProc |
Mbo object to represent interface procs.
MaxIfaceProcSet |
Represents the set of MaxIfaceProc objects.
MaxProcCols |
Mbo object to represent interface procs cols.
MaxProcColsSet |
Represents the set of MaxProcCols objects.
MaxReplaceProc |
Mbo object to represent interface procedures.
MaxReplaceProcSet |
Represents the set of MaxReplaceProc objects.
MaxTransformProc |
Mbo object to represent interface transformation procs.
MaxTransformProcSet |
Represents the set of MaxTransformProc objects.