MxLoader ChangeLog

8.4.2 (2024-06-06)

  • Batch action ExportXml added

8.4.1 (2024-01-21)

  • API authentication support for OS service (API token moved to HTTP header)
  • Added ignorekeyref, ignorecollectionref, ignorers headers to cleanup response for REST service
  • Object IDs can be returned specifying them in square brakets ‘[]’

8.4 (2023-08-18)

  • Removed registration check
  • Fixed newline handling
  • Fixed timezone parsing error (type mismatch)
  • Excel file compacted

8.3.6 (2023-03-20)

  • Improved MXL_REPORT object structure
  • Fixed generic error message: Unexpected char in ParseObject

8.3.5 (2022-04-29)

  • Removed ‘rel.’ prefix for REST queries to use Object Structure names instead of database relationships
  • Improved performances of query parsing
  • Improved error message when API token is missing

8.3.4 (2022-04-03)

  • Progress bar for query action

8.3.2 (2022-02-06)

  • Changed HTTP header User-Agent to “MxLoader/X.X”
  • Added ‘mxlaction’ URL parameter (requested by Mark Robbins – Vetasi)
  • Fixed logic to get an API token (apitoken/create)

8.3.1 (2022-01-31)

  • Improved Preview/Export dialog
  • Improved query performances
  • Automatic data sort for Query action (added setting)
  • Use UTF-8 charset when saving files using FILETXT: directive
  • Fixed data export when using OneDrive
  • New action ExportCsv available in RunBatch sheet

8.3 (2022-01-13)

  • Progress bar for long query operations
  • Progress dialog during sync operations
  • Added support for Sync action for OS service
  • Correctly escape double quotes in JSON
  • Refresh Data Dictionary action now works also with REST service
  • Better alignment of labels in dialogs
  • Run from row command now works also for batch sheets
  • API authentication throws an error if username is set and password is not set
  • Fixed wrong number of objects reported in RunBatch
  • Fixed wizard when child objects are present
  • Double click in wizard now add/remove attributes
  • Reduce screen refresh when querying data to increase performances
  • FillData fixed when source sheet is empty and clears results column
  • FillDataAll macro added

8.2 (2021-10-09)

  • Fixed time zone handling
  • Display error when failing to parse dates
  • Improved error handling when using OS service
  • Fixed error message for wrong REST where clause syntax

8.1 (2021-06-18)

  • MxSheet Wizard
  • Batch execution
  • Web Authentication is no longer supported (overseeded by API authentication)
  • Fixed logic generating complex JSON objects
  • Fixed sync totals calculations
  • Fixed date parsing in MxlPropFile
  • Correctly escaping where clause when using OS service
  • Fixed error when logging is enabled and MxLoader is stored in OneDrive
  • Preview button now displays preview of all data with correct JSON/XML format
  • Added setting ‘API Service Context Root’
  • Removed Config sheet cell names to facilitate upgrades
  • Use API service for sync action when authentication is API

7.5.2 (2021-03-06)

  • Fixed ‘object not set’ error when setting ~NULL~ into datetime fields
  • Correctly handle ~NULL~ values in REST service
  • REST service now displays the error message as the OS service when batch size is 1

7.5.1 (2021-02-28)

  • Passwords and registration info are now stored globally in a cofiguration file
  • Added ‘Store Passwords’ configuration parameter
  • Added tip for error: BMXAA8744E – The OSLC query was not parsed.
  • Fixed password dialog appearing when opening the About dialog

7.5 (2021-02-27)

  • Fixed problem entering registration info in some versions of Excel
  • Added warning for Failure Hierarchy template
  • Fixed timezone adjustments for TIME data type
  • Using Value2 to retrieve cell content to avoid casting problems
  • Modified Object Structure MXL_ASSETSP to use index SPAREPART_NDX2 to avoid creating duplicate records for the same Item

7.4 NextGen (2021-01-30)

  • Changed default Batch Size value to 1
  • Fixed restart from failed row when synching (Continue Sync setting)
  • Fixed Query Only setting
  • Minor fixes to INFO logging messages
  • Release updated manual

7.3.1 NextGen (2021-01-06)

  • Refresh Data Dictionary only works when service is REST
  • Fixed Insert Column action
  • Fixed YORN data type when synching using REST service
  • Return object ID now works as it was in MxLoader 6.2
  • Result column now works also with OS service
  • Fixed query data having sting starting with single quote character ‘
  • Changed default Batch Size value to 10

7.2 NextGen (2020-12-03)

  • Fixed file upload/download

7.1 NextGen (2020-11-15)

  • Support for Maximo NextGen REST APIs
  • File download/upload capabilities
  • Detailed results dialog
  • New buttons: Run from current row, Run all, Copy Data
  • New setting Display Query Warning
  • Added PMSEQUENCE to MXL_PM custom object structures
  • Added object structure MXL_DOMAINCROSS
  • Added processing class MXL_LOCATION object structure

6.2 (2020-01-20)

  • Object Structure MXL_QUERY fixed
  • Object Structure MXL_ITEMAS added
  • Fixed DbIdx template
  • Added Item Assembly structure template
  • Updated logo in the About tab
  • Updated manual

6.1  (2019-08-22)

  • Use Unload method to destroy dialogs
  • Changed method to read cell value in ConvTableToMxNode.ParseTable method to avoid truncation of long strings
  • New setting Split child rows
  • Refreshed data dictionary on Maximo
  • New MXL object structures
  • New templates

New Object Structures

MXL_SRVADDR – Service Address (MxLoader)
MXL_CFGDBREL – Database Relationship (MxLoader)
MXL_CFGDBLM – Lookup Maps (MxLoader)
MXL_CFGDB – Database Configuration (MxLoader)
MXL_CONDITION – Conditional Expressions (MxLoader)
MXL_SECRESTRICT – Security Restrictions (MxLoader)
MXL_REPORT – Reports (MxLoader)
MXL_REPORTDESIGN – Reports Design (MxLoader)
MXL_MAXGROUP – Security Groups (MxLoader)
MXL_CTRLGROUP – Conditional UI (MxLoader)
MXL_ESCALATION – Escalations (MxLoader)
MXL_MAXMENU – Application Menu (MxLoader)
MXL_WORKZONE – Work Zones (MxLoader)
MXL_APPS – Application definition (MxLoader)
MXL_WF – Workflow process definition (MxLoader)
MXL_COMMTEMPLATE – Communication template (MxLoader)
MXL_ROLE – Roles (MxLoader)
MXL_QUERY – Application Queries (MxLoader)
MXL_SCTEMPLATE – Start Center Templates (MxLoader)

New Templates

WorkZone – Administration – Work Zones
CondExpr – Administration – Conditional Expression (custom)
Report – Administration – Reports (custom)
Report – Administration – Report Parameters (custom)
Report – Administration – Report Design (custom)
GrpAuth – Security – Group Authorizations (custom)
RestrObj – Security – Object Data Restriction (custom)
RestrAttr – Security – Attribute Data Restriction (custom)
DomNum – System – Domains (NUMERIC)
DomTbl – System – Domains (TABLE)
DomSyn – System – Domains (SYNONYM)
DbObj – System – Database Objects
DbAttr – System – Database Attributes
DbAttrLm – System – Database Attributes Lookup Map
DbRel – System – Database Relationships (custom)
DbIdx – System – Database Indexes (custom)
Script – System – Automation Scripts
ScriptLp – System – Automation Scripts Launch Points
AppSig – System – Application Signature Options (custom)
AppQuery – System – Application Queries (custom)
AppFolder – System – Application Folders (custom)
DocFolder – System – Attachment Folders (custom)
Actions – System – Actions
Roles – System – Roles (custom)
ItemsCM – ACM – Items (CM)

5.8  (2019-04-03)

  • Better handling of errors using the [ERROR] virtual attribute
  • Updated MxLoader User Guide 2.3

5.7.1  (2017-11-14)

  • Added ‘Query only’ setting

5.7  (2017-06-13)

  • Load files as attachments
  • Fixed issue: MxLoader ‘0’ returned by external reference formula

5.6  (2016-12-27)

  • Web login logout button added
  • Fixed misspelled ‘Sync’ message

5.5.1  (2016-11-09)

  • Fixed failure hierarchy load (bug injected in version 5.3)

5.5  (2016-11-03)

  • Added a button to preview data in XML format

5.4  (2016-10-04)

  • Added support for Web authentication (SAML/OAuth)

5.3  (2016-09-07)

  • Renamed custom Object Structures for Maximo (the ‘-‘ character is no longer valid)

5.2  (2016-08-31)

  • Added SR template
  • Fixed Failure Hierarchy sync (Compile Error in hidden module: FLL)

5.1.1  (2016-06-24)

  • Fixed ‘Start row’ setting

5.1  (2016-05-03)

  • Added Web Services support

4.8  (2016-03-04)

  • Revised GL-types fields detection

4.7.6  (2016-02-26)

  • Order by can be specified in cell E1
  • Password input dialog now hides characters
  • Calendar and Work Periods template added

4.7.5  (2015-11-13)

  • Templates added for ACM
  • Custom levels of failure hierarchy can be loaded
  • Fixed problem when parsing content of cells containing very big mumbers
  • Removed warning notes in templates to use Sync-AddChange

4.7.4  (2015-04-29)

  • Increased maximum number of rows to 300000
  • Add warning when using Sync

4.7.3  (2015-02-16)

  • Fixed GL Account field handling when querying data

4.7.2  (2015-01-23)

  • Small changes to allow running MxLoader from an external Excel file
  • Data dictionary refreshed on Maximo 7.6

4.7.1  (2014-11-29)

  • Setting ‘Stop on error’ added
  • Fixed ‘Continue sync’ logic

4.7  (2014-11-26)

  • Continue on sync errors setting added

4.6  (2014-11-19)

  • Removed Sync-Update and Sync-Delete actions
  • Quick Search in templates dialog
  • New MXL Object Structures added
  • Templates are now categorized by module
  • New templates added
  • User Manual released
  • Log file is automatically recycled when its size reach 2GB

4.5.3 (2014-10-09)

  • Reintroduced text formatting that was removed in version 4.1 because is causes wrong parsing of numbers or dates stored in text fields

4.5.2 (2014-10-01)

  • Fixed ‘Create Custom Object Structures’

4.5.1 (2014-09-30)

  • Fixed hierarchical tables parsing

4.5 (2014-09-29)

  • Batch updates feature added
  • Fixed failure hierarchy loading

4.3 (2014-09-16)

  • Fixed failure codes loading when multiple organizations are involved

4.2.1 (2014-09-09)

  •     Setting added to optionally display of the confirmation dialog at the end of each transaction
  •     Small changes to the Config sheet

4.2 (2014-09-08)

  • Data dictionary refresh fixed
  • Unlimited objects fixed (cfgMaxCount=0)
  • Fixed date formatting (cfgDateFormat)
  • Fixed dataset truncation message for query operation

4.1 (2014-09-04)

  • Rewritten XML/TABLE conversion algorithm to support unlimited levels of nested objects
  • Many MxSheet templates added with object’s primary key fields underlined in header row
  • Object count limit now works also for sync action
  • For sync operation it is possible to specify the action (Add, Delete, Update, Change, Replace, AddChange)
  • New button to quickly create custom MxLoader Object Structures
  • MxLoader.xlsm file size reduced from 4 MB to 0.5 MB
  • Comments support in MxSheet templates
  • Removed text formatting for text fields because it was messing Excel formula automatic calculation
  • Performance optimization in attribute lookup algorithm (GetAttrType)

3.7.3 (2014-06-19)

  • Fixed “Subscript out of range” error when child objects are more than 100

3.7.2 (2014-06-17)

  • Added “XML namespace” configuration setting

3.7.1 (2014-06-16)

  • Fixed bug detecting data type
  • Improved logging

3.7 (2014-06-13)

  • Improved error handling and troubleshooting messages

3.6 (2014-05-25)

  • HTTP Proxy fixed
  • Improved compliance with MSXML 6.0 library

3.5 (2014-05-20)

  • HTTP proxy setting added
  • Improved handling of HTTP 500 response
  • Configuration buttons in MxLoader ribbon added including a new ‘Test Connection’
  • Null values can now be specified using ~NULL~ string

3.4.1 (2014-05-13)

  • MSXML 6.0 library required

3.4 (2014-05-04)

  • LDAP authentication support
  • Bug fixing

3.3 (2014-04-14)

  • First version published on ISM Library
  • GL Account handling
  • Bug fixing
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