MxDev TidyApp

MxDevTidyApp is a small Java application to analyze an IBM Maximo application and detect all unused fields generating a simplified version of the same app removing all such fields.

Advantages of using MxDevTidyApp

  • Simplify user interaction with Maximo applications.
  • Avoid use of untested/unsupported tabs and fields.
  • Increase application load performances.


  1. Download latest version of MxDevTidyApp from here.
  2. Extract folder in a directory of your choice.
  3. Edit entering database credentials. These are used to verify used fields. No changes are made to the database.


  1. Open Maximo Application Designer and locate the application you want to tidy-up.
  2. Export the application XML definition. Save it under MxDevTidyApp folder.
  3. Launch MxDevTidyApp.cmd specifiying the XML file.
  4. Import the generated appname.tidy.xml application definition
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