Maximo Configuration Overview Report

Maximo Configuration Overview report provides a detailed view of a Maximo configuration and customization.

It is useful both for documenting and existing Maximo environment and to quickly have an idea of a new system. It is also a great tool for estimating Maximo upgrades since it gathers information about database size and system configuration complexity.

Installation instructions

  • Download file and extract it in a folder of your choice.
  • Open Administration > Report Administration application and create a new record.
  • Enter the following information:
    • Report file name: mxdev_configuration.rptdesign
    • Description: Configuration Overview (MxDev)
    • Application: CONFIGUR (Database Configuration)
  • Save the record.
  • Select Import Report action from the menu and import CONFIGUR/mxdev_configuration.rptdesign file.
  • Click on Generate Request Page and then on Preview to test the report.

The report has been tested on Maximo 7.5 and 7.6.

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