
The Meter package includes MBOs that contain information about meters and meter groups.

See: Description

Package Description

The Meter package includes MBOs that contain information about meters and meter groups. An unlimited number of meters can be created. Subsequently, meters can be attached to equipment, locations, PMs and Condition Monitoring measure points. For convenience, meters can also be grouped into MeterGroups. These meter groups serve as templates. When a meter group is specified while defining a new equipment, the meters in the group are automatically be attached to the equipment. Meter groups can also be associated with rotable items. Whenever a new instance of a rotable item is created and the rotable item is associated with a meter group, the grouped meters are automatically attached to the new component (that is, new equipment) that defines the specific instance of the newly created item. Meter information is referenced by the Equipment, Locations, PMs, Condition Monitoring and Work Order applications.

Package Specification

The MBOs included in the Tool package are:

Other classes included in the Meter package:

Related Documentation:

Last updated: 5 June 2002