
The Safety package includes hazards, precautions, tagout/lockout, and safety plans.

See: Description

Package Description

The Safety package includes hazards, precautions, tagout/lockout, and safety plans. These entities identify where potential safety hazards may occur and how to prevent them from occurring. Ultimately, this information is filtered down into workorders. Safety information specific to individual workorders is stored in the workorder package.

Package Specification

The main classes included in the Safety package are:

Secondary classes included in the Safety package are:

Cross-reference classes included in the Safety package are:

Relationship diagram

The following diagram showes the relationship between the various safety-related classes. An attribute name followed by an asterisk (*) cannot be null. A dark line connects Hazard and SafetyLexicon because at least one row will exist in SafetyLexicon for every Hazard. A dark line connects SafetyPlan and SPWorkAsset because at least one row will exist in SPWorkAsset for every SafetyPlan. A dark line connects TagOut and SafetyLexicon because at least one row will exist in SafetyLexicon for every TagOut. The main and secondary classes show the object name in a grey box.

Related Documentation

Last updated: 03/15/02